Oakland Gardens, NY

Status: HONOR

Branch of the Month:

2024: JAN, FEB, MAR


On August 3rd, 2023, three students in Queens, NY founded the 141th branch of the Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States (AYLUS): Oakland Gardens, NY.


Congratulations to the Oakland Gardens Branch Founders (left to right) Jia Qi Liu (Angela), Susan Yang, and Jessica Lin! Great job!


Description of the Oakland Gardens Branch

The Oakland Gardens branch of AYLUS strives to better our community. We wish to provide those in these communities a chance to achieve far greater success without their background limiting them. As youths living in this community, we wish to support everyone around us by creating a positive environment. This will range from participating in conversational events to preserve our world and offering greater access to volunteer opportunities for students ranging across different schools and age. Our goal is to create an accessible place for people to join, have fun while making an impact and develop a greater sense of community.




Branch Email: aylusoaklandgardensny@gmail.com

Our Instagram: aylusoaklandgardens

Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557894244392

Our Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVjY0xPyUoBG1ai9YNwHBTw

Membership Interest Form: https://forms.gle/GQZQFt2qyMu33oMY9




FULL LIST OF ACTIVITES: https://aylus.org/?s=AYLUS+Oakland+Gardens

FULL LIST OF MEMBERS: https://aylus.org/2024/04/08/aylus-oakland-gardens-full-list-of-branch-members/


Branch Leadership


Position Name Email
President Jia Qi Liu (Angela) angelaliuua@gmail.com
Vice President Vicki Lin vickylin16455@gmail.com
Secretary Iokseng Lin 6ijlny@gmail.com
Secretary Anthony Lin anthonlylin54321@gmail.com
Media Manager Brandon Lin brandonlin0327@gmail.com
Treasurer Matthew Lin mattlin2008@gmail.com
Advisor Teng Fei Liu (Faye) tengfeiliu19841106@gmail.com
Advisor Cui Li (Fannie) fannieliee@gmail.com
Advisor Hsinhui Liao (Karen) tpe74nyc@gmail.com


Alumni Board Members 

Position Name Years
Vice President Susan Yang 2023-2024
Secretary Jessica Lin 2023-2024
Media Manager Andy Chen 2023-2024

