Oakland Gardens had a Promotion Event at Oakland Gardens Park (11/09/2023)

On Thursday, November 9th, 2023, from 2 pm to 3:30 pm, volunteers from the AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch went to Oakland Gardens Playground at Springfield Blvd to spread awareness of our group. We also gave out balloons to the children. We had cloudy weather that day and there were many people there. Some people also expressed interest in joining AYLUS and leaving a good impact in their community. Some people donated to our cause instead, believing that we are a group that will make our community better.

During the 1.5 hours, many balloons and fliers were handed out. We introduced parents to AYLUS as a whole, while providing information about our branch’s goal, which is taking care of our community to the best that we can. We had a stand to hand out the balloons that we made, which had a long line of kids waiting for their balloons. The balloons came in many different shapes and forms, such as a dinosaur balloon or a pikachu balloon. However, the most popular among the kids was the bunny balloon.

From what our volunteers had observed, the balloons really made a positive impact on the children there. This was especially fulfilling to see as the purpose of this event is to serve the community and bring joy.

In the end, everyone was preoccupied with making balloons as there are many people that wish to receive a balloon. Some had to wait for 10 minutes to receive their balloons due to the long line queue. Thankfully, we eventually managed to give everyone their balloon. We cleaned up the broken balloons and trash that was left on the floor. Our parents were glad that we made the childrens’ day while spreading awareness of our organization branch.

Our Volunteers:
Sophia Shi Han You: 1.5 hours
Stephanie Shi Ran You: 1.5 hours
Hong Hao Liu: 1.5 hours
Ethan Wang: 1.5 hours
Miko Wang: 1.5 hours
Velma Wu: 1.5 hours
Ioknor Lin: 1.5 hours
Ioklee Lin: 1.5 hours
Zhengyilan Fang: 1.5 hours


Report by Hong Hao Liu (Alfred), Sophia Shi Han You


Updated: November 12, 2023 — 3:47 am

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