
Our History


The idea of the Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States started back in 2015. Its first few branches were created on July 14, 2015 in Fort Bend, Texas, and Houston, Texas with the goal of contributing to their society and helping others to become their best selves.



All of its original founders are listed below.

Founders of AYLUS

Eric Wu Christie Yu Aric Zhuang William John
Jackie Du Allen Xu Hill Yin Meiyu Zeng
Jonathan Liu Daiyo Zhang Dragon Peng Iris Liu
Luvena Huo Elizabeth John Alex Lin Yani Le
Leo Tong Gan Liu Ryan H.Liu Amy L. You
Michelle Cheng Stephanie Than Clio Sun George Cao
Ryoya Yan Yansong Tan


Junior Founders of AYLUS

Julia He Derrek Fan Kevin J. Liu Max Su
Jessica Fan David Lin Tiger Peng Meena He
Jenny Xun Ethan Zhou Jason Wu Neal Peng