AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch Pick Up Books at CVS (01/07/2024)

On January 7, 2024, members of the AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch went to pick up books for our book drive from a local CVS store. We had set up a book drive bin before, and we were shocked to find lots of books in the bin. There were 4 big bags full with books in the bin.

This showed us how much some people wanted to help others and make a difference. After all, not only do we watch out for the people in our community, but people all across the world in general. We collected hundreds of books in a short amount of time to donate to children in higher poverty areas in Africa. Each book donated was a small piece of knowledge for some African Children. There were some coloring books for younger kids and novels for older kids. This act of kindness by some generous people in our community showed how much people care about helping others.

While we were picking up the books, a customer asked us where we were donating to. We told them that we were donating to the more poverty-affected places in Africa. The customer told us that they thought this was a great cause and that they would donate some books the next time they came to CVS.

We’d like to thank everyone who donated for this kind gesture!


Our Volunteers:

Sophia ShiHan You: 0.5 hour

Stephanie ShiRan You: 0.5 hour

Hong Hao Liu (Alfred): 0.5 hour

Jia Qi Liu (Angela): 0.5 hour


Report by Sophia ShiHan You, Hong Hao Liu (Alfred), Stephanie ShiRan You

Reviewed by Jia Qi Liu (Angela)

Updated: January 8, 2024 — 4:49 am

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