AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch MS74 books pick up (03/21/2024)

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, AYLUS Oakland Garden members went to MS 74 to pick up the books. This is the 56th event held by AYLUS Oakland Gardens branch. It was our last time going to MS 74, as we collected all the books we needed.

As some of our members were MS 74’s students, we did this event after the end of the school day. This made it really convenient for them. Our members took the books out of the bin and placed them in reusable bags. This was to make carrying the books much easier. Afterwards, we brought the books over to the parent advisor’s car. When we put all the books away, some of our members attending MS 74 went to their clubs.

We finished our first book pick up a month ago. One month later, the bin was already full again. Our members were surprised that MS 74’s student’s were very generous. After we took all the books, MS 74’s SO teachers, Mr. Pustorino and Mr. Nuccio, will take the bin away. We informed them that this was the last event of this type that we will be doing here.We were really surprised, as when we started our African Library Project, we thought we couldn’t collect enough books. However, in the end, we finished much earlier than we needed to.

We would like to thank Mr. Pustorino and Mr. Nuccio for letting us do this event at MS 74. In the end, we collected all of the books we needed, and MS 74 played a major role in reaching our goal. We couldn’t have reached our goal without their help, and we would like thank both Mr. Pustorino and Mr. Nuccio for lifting some weight off our shoulders and supporting us. We would also like to thank the students at MS 74 for donating books and supporting our cause.

Our volunteers:

Hong Hao (Alfred) Liu: 0.5 hours

Sophia ShiHan You: 0.5 hours

Stephanie Shi Ran You: 0.5 hours

Aiden Lin: 0.5 hours

Austin Yuel : 0.5 hours

Athena Luo: 0.5 hours

Austin Li: 0.5 hours

Zihao Wang: 0.5 hours

Joe Wang: 0.5 hours

Ricky Song: 0.5 hours

Iokseng Lin: 0.5 hours

Ioknor Lin: 0.5 hours

Report by:

Hong Hao (Alfred) Liu,

Sophia ShiHan You

Report reviewed by:

Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: March 24, 2024 — 1:54 am

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