AYLUS volunteers went to Ed White elementary school on November 13, 2021 to teach 1st to 5th graders math and language arts. The volunteers of each grade level were split into three groups. One group taught math and the other taught language arts. In each class, the volunteers are assigned kids. Every 30 minutes to […]
Category: Pearland, TX Branch Posts
AYLUS Pearland in Ed White Elementary’s Saturday Tutoring Program, October 30
AYLUS Pearland volunteers visited Ed White Elementary on October 30, 2021, to teach elementary students reading and math. The volunteers split into two groups, one tasked with tutoring mathematics, and the other with language arts. The students alternated between different stations every 30 minutes, allowing the volunteers to connect with a new group each time. […]
AYLUS Pearland Decorates Independence Park for Christmas
On the morning of November 20th, in preparation for the upcoming winter holidays, AYLUS Pearland teamed up with Pearland Parks and Recreation to decorate Independence Park. On a bright and sunny morning, volunteers woke up early during the start of their Thanksgiving Break to help brighten the winter holidays. Volunteers worked diligently from 8:00 am […]
AYLUS Pearland is Awarded the Beautification Award by Keep Pearland Beautiful (11/11/2021)
On November 11, 2021, AYLUS Pearland was invited to be a guest at Keep Pearland Beautiful’s Annual Awards Dinner. From 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, AYLUS Pearland leaders got the opportunity to learn about how the concept of sustainability is applied throughout the city and recognize the outstanding individuals and organizations that also received awards. […]
AYLUS Pearland Begins Tutoring Students at Ed White Elementary School (10/16/2021)
AYLUS Pearland’s leader, Kate Liu, starts a new tutoring program in collaboration with Ed White Elementary School. On October 16, AYLUS Pearland attended their first session of tutoring at Ed White Elementary school. From 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, volunteers helped teachers tutor kids with topics including elementary math, English, and art through one on […]
AYLUS Pearland Donates Funds to Ed White Elementary School (10/11/2021)
In this year’s Back-To-School Donation, AYLUS Pearland helped raise $2800 to distribute to faculty and students of Ed White Elementary School. On October 11, 2021 (3:00pm-5:00pm), AYLUS leaders, Andy Gu and Kate Liu, were invited to Ed White Elementary School’s Thank You event. AYLUS was able to deliver the funds to the PTO of the […]
AYLUS Pearland in Ed White Elementary’s Saturday Tutoring, November 6
AYLUS Pearland on campus tutoring located at Ed white Elementary school in Houston ISD. On November 6, 2021, six volunteers participated in teaching students from grade 3-5 (subjects being reading/mathematics). Event volunteers taught a few groups of children who alternated classes, switching from math to reading, spending 1-2 hours with each group of children. Some […]
AYLUS Pearland in Ed White Elementary’s Saturday Tutoring Program, October 23
On October 23, multiple AYLUS Pearland volunteers participated in Ed White Elementary’s on-site Saturday tutoring program. From 9 am -12 pm, the youth volunteers taught students from kindergarten to 5th grade: Math, English, and Reading. They participated in 30-minute stations, teaching each new small group a new curriculum topic using materials such as counting blocks, […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteered in City Ruff Runner event in September 2021
On September 24 and 25, AYLUS Pearland members volunteered at the Ruff Runner & Yappy Hour event in Independence Park, Pearland. The all-aged event invited marathon runners, along with their four-legged friends, to run the 1k, 3k, and 5k. On Friday, September 24 from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm, volunteers worked at Runner ‘Pre’ Packed […]
AYLUS Pearland Litter Cleanup With Keep Pearland Beautiful
On September 18, 2021, AYLUS Pearland volunteered at Keep Pearland Beautiful’s Centennial Park Cleanup Event from 7:30 am to 9:30 am. Several different volunteers groups joined together to clean up the park and its surrounding area. AYLUS Pearland’s volunteers were divided into small groups and assigned to different areas of the park to clean up. […]
AYLUS Pearland Packing School Supplies for Ed White Elementary hosted by Houston C.A.R.E (8/27/2021)
On August 27, 2021, the Pearland branch volunteers participated in the school supplies packing event at Ed White Elementary School, along with volunteers from other places in the event hosted by Houston’s C.A.R.E. organization. Event volunteers first took supplies out of boxes, picked pencils, scissors, crayons, markers, rulers, erasers etc. into a small bag, then […]
AYLUS Pearland Donation Drive to Support the Refugees and Residents at Allende Coahuila of Mexico (9/6/2021)
AYLUS Pearland worked with First Baptist Church of San Antonio and First Baptist Church of Allende Coahuila of Mexico to host a donation drive to support refugees and low income residents at US-Mexico border. The event started at late August and finished by September 6th. All collected items were delivered to residents and refugees in […]
AYLUS Pearland Support Project SMILE in July
A group of AYLUS Pearland volunteers helped LSA’s SMILE project multiple times each week in July. The project was organized and hosted by Light and Salt Association. SMILE, an abbreviation of “Self Advocacy, Moving towards good health, Independent living skills, Living basic job skills, and Emotional regulation skills,” is a day program for people with […]
AYLUS Pearland Fundraiser for Dawson HS Tennis Team (7/31/2021)
At the end of July, AYLUS Pearland hosted a fundraiser to support the Dawson High School tennis team. AYLUS Pearland members donated a variety of clothes, household appliances, and more to the fundraiser. We also received items such as bikes, small furniture, and baby items from the community. The original plan was to have a […]
AYLUS Pearland August Pressure Wash Fundraiser (8/2021)
In July, AYLUS Pearland volunteers successfully completed three driveway pressure wash projects and received positive feedback from their clients. Later from August 6th to 8th, two more clients requested driveway power washes. A total of three teams, each led by an experienced team lead, worked on both projects in the evenings of the three days. […]
AYLUS Pearland End of Summer Driveway Wash Fundraising (8/21/2021)
On the afternoon of August 21, 2021, two AYLUS volunteers pressure washed Mr. Wong’s driveway to support AYLUS Pearland. The volunteers spent some time setting up the pressure washer, and then proceeded to clean the driveway, while taking some breaks. One of the volunteers was new to power washing, and the other volunteer taught him […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer GT Math Lessons – July and August
From June 7th to August 6th, three volunteers and eight students participated in the AYLUS GT Math program. One-hour lessons consisting of both a group lecture and small-group problem solving sessions occurred weekly on Friday nights. The volunteers and students participate in both a group lecture and small-group problem-solving session during each lesson. The topics […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Dance Lessons – June
This summer, the AYLUS Pearland Branch began teaching their dance classes virtually through Zoom. Each class was an hour long and one class was held per week. Three volunteers served the community by scheduling class, choreographing dances, choosing songs, teaching class, recording practice videos, and communicating with parents. In each class, the volunteers started off […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer General Math Lesson – July & August
Over the course of July and August, eleven AYLUS volunteers tutored fifteen students ranging from first grade to sixth grade. Lessons happened twice a week: once on Friday mornings and once on Saturday nights. During each lesson, tutors focused on a variety of general mathematics topics that were tailored to each individual group of students. […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Chess Lesson – July & August
Throughout July and August of 2021, AYLUS continued offering two-hour chess lessons to eager students. As with before, two long-time chess players Aaron and Baron led 6-8 elementary and middle school students who joined the Zoom meeting every Sunday from 4:30-6:30. During the first hour, Aaron and Baron gave the students instruction through prepared lectures, […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Tennis Lesson – July & August
Starting in July of 2021, AYLUS Pearland has continued their free group Tennis Lessons in the Silvercreek Neighborhood courts. With the continued help of the coaches and parents, many volunteers have been able to further guide these group of 10-15 children to improve their tennis skill by a tremendous amount! In this half of the […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Arts and Craft Lessons – July and August
AYLUS Pearland members started teaching elementary and middle school students art at the beginning of the summer. In July and August 2021, AYLUS Pearland continued to organize virtual arts and craft classes through Zoom. Each week, teachers offered classes on Monday and Saturday from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. In June, students had the option […]
AYLUS Pearland July Fundraisers to Support Camp for All
AYLUS Pearland hosted a plant sale and donation event to raise money for “Camp for All,”, our first ever day camp for kids with special needs, partnered with BACH ECI and Light and Salt Association’s Special Needs Care Center. AYLUS Pearland asked the community for plant donations such as flowers and vegetables. On June 29th, […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Reading Lessons – July and August
In July and August 2021, AYLUS Pearland continued to offer free group reading lessons to more than 20 students. These students ranged from first to fifth grade, and each student was assigned a class based on their grade level. These classes were held on Sundays and Mondays from 7 to 8pm, and there were 10 […]
AYLUS Pearland Hosts the 5th Annual College Forum
On July 31, 2021, AYLUS Pearland hosted its 5th annual college forum through zoom. Over 110 families joined to listen to high school graduates and college students explain their experiences throughout their years of education. AYLUS had the extraordinary opportunity to invite four speakers to the forum. Aditya Namjoshi of the University of Texas, Cindy […]
AYLUS Pearland helps special need children for Art for Hearts in July
In recent years, online learning has become increasingly popular as a flexible and accessible mode of education. As the world continues to embrace technology, it is important to have reliable learning management software to effectively deliver eLearning programs. One such platform is Learnsoft’s LMS for eLearning programs, which provides a comprehensive solution for designing, delivering, […]
AYLUS Pearland in first National Conference, July 25
On Sunday, July 25th, 2021, AYLUS held their first national conference via the Zoom platform. Over 300 people attended. Starting at 9:00 am Pacific Time, the 2021-2022 Presidents of AYLUS, Katherine Wei and Samuel Li, went through the Opening Ceremony and instructed the audience on how to participate in the raffle and how to record […]
AYLUS Pearland July Driveway Power Wash to Support Camp for All
On the humid afternoon of July 16th, thirteen AYLUS Pearland Members arrived at 3 different homes to power wash their driveways and sidewalks to raise money for the first special needs day camp, Camp for All, sponsored by BACH (Brazoria County Association for Citizens with Handicaps), AYLUS Pearland, and Light and Salt Association. A well-kept […]
AYLUS Pearland Special Needs Camp Volunteer Training Series #2
On Friday, July 23rd, 2021, AYLUS Pearland held their second volunteer training for the Special Needs Day Camp. There were around 45 volunteers that showed up for the training at the Pearland Westside Library Conference Room. At the beginning of the training, Sandy Le, a Speech Pathologist at BACH (Brazoria Association for Citizens of Handicaps), […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Plant Sale to Support All Inclusive Playground
After a successful Spring Seedling Sale fundraiser, AYLUS Pearland started organizing its Summer Plant Sale in early May. Because of winter storm Uri, many plants died, causing the demand for plants to grow in the greater Houston area. Meanwhile the market price significantly increased by multiple times. AYLUS Pearland secured plant supply from Mrs. Sophie, […]
AYLUS Pearland July 4th Flag Retrieval
On July 11, 2021, AYLUS members helped Houston C.A.R.E. to retrieve American flags that were planted along Bellaire Boulevard for the celebration of Independence Day. From 7:30 to 10:30 AM, armed with metal wrenches and high spirits, AYLUS volunteers toiled strenuously under the hot Texan sun to retrieve upwards of 100 U.S. flags. After 3 […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Dance Lessons – June
AYLUS Pearland Special Needs Camp Volunteer Training Series #1
On July 8th, AYLUS Pearland held their first volunteer training for the special needs day camp, Camp for All. This camp, sponsored and organized by BACH (Brazoria Association for Citizens of Handicaps), AYLUS Pearland, and Light and Salt Association’s Special Needs Care Center, hopes to become a long-term project which would be offered to the […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer GT Math Lessons – June
Starting from the week of June 7, three volunteers and eight students participated in the AYLUS GT Math program. One-hour lessons occur on Friday nights, once a week. The volunteers and students participate in both a group lecture and small-group problem-solving session during each lesson. Topics covered are at the advanced fourth-fifth grade level, including […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Chess Lessons – June
Beginning on June 6th, AYLUS began offering chess lessons to kids who wanted to learn more about and improve in the strategic game of chess. During these lessons, two advanced chess players, Aaron and Baron, divulged their knowledge on strategies, ideas to win, and their passion for the game to their students. Around 6-8 elementary […]
AYLUS Pearland Supports Give without Spending Campaign
From May 3, 2021, to June 1, 2021, several AYLUS Pearland volunteers participated in the Give without Spending campaign by completing product opinion surveys on Express Feedback for Good. This campaign raised a total of $11,694, and around one-third of the money raised was from AYLUS Pearland volunteers (AYLUS Pearland contributed $3,598 to this campaign […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer General Math Lessons – June
Over the summer months, 11 AYLUS volunteers tutored 15 students ranging from first grade to sixth grade. Lessons happened twice a week: once on Friday mornings and once on Saturday nights. During each lesson, tutors focused on a variety of general mathematics topics that were tailored to each individual group of students. The volunteers and […]
AYLUS Pearland Supports City of Pearland July 4th Celebration of Freedom
On July 4th, 2021, 37 AYLUS volunteers came together in Independence to help orchestrate the Celebration of Freedom event, as part of a three-day long volunteering mega event to prepare and dismantle the concert’s setup. During the 5 hours shift from 4:00pm to 9:00pm, volunteers handed out free shirts and bug spray, cleaned up trash, […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Tennis Lessons – June
During the summer of 2021, AYLUS Pearland has began to conduct free group Tennis lessons starting in June. With the help of many volunteer coaches, three AYLUS volunteers/coaches have been able to work together and offer group tennis lessons for more than 10 – 15 amazing children around the ages of 6 – 14. In […]
AYLUS Pearland Celebration of Freedom Event Setup
To begin our amazing collaboration and relationship with Pearland Parks and Recreation, many AYLUS volunteers worked alongside the Parks and Rec team to set up, decorate, and clean up Independence Park for the upcoming inaugural 4th of July Celebration of Freedom Event. On July 1st, 2021, many AYLUS Pearland volunteers helped clean and polish up […]