AYLUS Pearland Summary of 2021: A Successful Year of Online Tutoring Fundraising

AYLUS Junior members have had another successful year of teaching young students. We have expanded our program to a total of 3-4 classes per week, including more private, limited classes for two students. These small class sizes allow students to get a clearer understanding of the material and greater confidence to interact with the teachers. Currently, members teach ESL (English as second language) material for those in grades K-2 in China, such as BrainPop videos and easy reading passages. They also offer reading comprehension for more advanced students, and even conversation videos to practice pronunciation and casual speech for those in levels 2-4. Others have even started teaching some writing skills, such as figurative language and vocabulary words to further the students’ potential.

We have raised a total of $627 since July and have donated our July proceeds of $85 to Camp for All, the day camp program for special needs kids that AYLUS Pearland sponsored. The rest of the proceeds will be used to support future AYLUS projects. The members enjoy assisting the students in whatever they need for English while raising money for a greater cause, upholding AYLUS values of leadership and helping the community. Our program has grown so much since the beginning, with increasing interest from both volunteers and students. We are looking forward to another great semester of teaching.

Volunteers: Jason Chen, Aila Jiang, Kara Li, Zide Liu, Gregory Song, Emma Xi, Clara Liu, Owen Xue

Reported by Aila Jiang



Updated: January 10, 2022 — 6:06 pm

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