AYLUS Pearland Hosts High School Course Selection Seminar, January 21

On January 22, 2022, from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm, AYLUS Pearland hosted its 1st high school course selection forum through zoom. Over 80 families joined to listen to the invited speaker Dr. Hongyu Wang discuss the course selection system for Dawson High School.

This event served as a great opportunity for junior members to learn more about which courses they should select for the upcoming school year as they are transitioning from junior high to high school. Dr. Wang was able to introduce which courses would be beneficial to take together while remaining manageable. Additionally, audience members were able to ask questions and voice concerns after Dr. Wang’s informational slide show.

AYLUS member Kate Liu helped organize the night’s event by setting up the Zoom meeting for families to attend as well as creating advertisement flyers informing community members about the event.

Organization Hours: 2 hours, Event Hours: 1.5 hours

Reported by Kate Liu

Updated: February 19, 2022 — 4:03 am

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