AYLUS Pearland gave tutoring in CamSpark to students of ED White Elementary School, March 14, 2022

On March 14, 2022, the first day of the 3-day Campspark during Spring Break, AYLUS volunteers when to Ed White Elementary School to give tutoring to 1st-5th graders that needed help with either math or reading. Some of the students were bilingual and some didn’t speak English or wasn’t fluent in it. Since it was a first time for most of us to give tutoring, we were all nervous to raise hands to participate but as we worked together with the students, we all eventually warmed up to them. It was an exciting experience for me and every volunteer. We worked from 9am to 2pm everyday. The volunteers made good friends with the youngsters. I’m so glad to have such opportunity to help the young students. I feel that this was a truly fun time and I would like to attend more tutoring in the future.

Today’s volunteers are: Wendy Yin, Alvin Zheng, Elizabeth Hu, Callie Meng, Jiaqi Ren, Erica Gao, Jordan Zheng, Alex Dai, Leo Jiang and Winnie Jiang.

Written by Winnie Jiang.

Updated: March 31, 2022 — 6:10 am

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