AYLUS Pearland Attends Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony with Forever Parks, March 12

On the morning of March 12th, AYLUS members attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony with Forever Parks. The celebration was in honor of Pearland’s first all-inclusive park opening. The new park, located in Miracle Field, allows both disabled adults and children to play together without being limited by constraints.

AYLUS Pearland had the honor of being one of the donors for the new park and was recognized by the City of Pearland. The celebration included speeches from the mayor, important representatives of the city, and a local mother expressing her gratitude for the construction of the park as her son would have a place he could play baseball and enjoy the great outdoors. AYLUS Pearland is incredibly grateful to have the resources and opportunities to help out with meaningful causes.

Event Planning: Kate Liu (1 hour)

Volunteers who attended were Sophia Fu, Kate Liu, Yurui He (2 hours)

Reported by Kate Liu

Updated: March 16, 2022 — 11:42 pm

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