AYLUS Pearland Officers Discuss New Promoting Strategies and Plan Future Events, April 2

On April 2, 2022, the new AYLUS Pearland elected officers met to discuss the goals for the new year. Officers collaborated together to think of new ways to promote events and how the organization could increase its social media presence and ease the process for volunteers to sign up for new events.

Additionally, members discussed the upcoming events for the spring and summer such as the Easter Egg Hunt coming up on April 17th as well as organizing a couple of different tutoring events for the summer.

Volunteers who attended were: William Sun, Michael MengKate Liu, Thomas Liang, Eric Qi, Fred Guo, Aila Jiang, Bharat Salvady, William Sun, Matthew Niu, Sophia Fu, Howard Shi (1 hour)

Reported by Kate Liu

Updated: April 9, 2022 — 10:56 pm

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