Category: Pearland, TX Branch Posts

AYLUS Pearland Volunteers at TMSCA Competition

For the fourth year in a row, AYLUS helps the TMSCA State Qualifier hosted by Pearland Junior High West through proctoring, grading, and monitoring students. Throughout the five hours of the competition, the fourteen volunteers worked alongside school administrators and other volunteers to help administer tests, grade tests, sell concessions, and more. Even though the […]

AYLUS Helps With Pearland Annual Multicultural Festival

On February 29th, AYLUS members helped volunteer at the annual multicultural festival located at Pearland High School. Members contributed by coordinating a booth representing the prosperous Chinese culture. AYLUS’s booth consisted of various activities as well as aspects that taught visitors about the history and lifestyle of Chinese culture. For instance, board members from the […]

AYLUS Pearland Winterfest Celebration

AYLUS Pearland volunteers at annual Pearland Parks and Recreation Winterfest Celebration On January 25th, 2020, the AYLUS Pearland Branch volunteers participated at the annual Pearland Winterfest Festival. This is the 4th year that AYLUS members have participated in the Winterfest event. There were 11 AYLUS volunteers among over 130 volunteers, providing services to nearly 10,000 attendees […]

AYLUS Keep Pearland Beautiful

On October 13th, AYLUS volunteers teamed up with Keep Pearland Beautiful to clean and pick up trash at Centennial Park and the waterway around it in Pearland. On the beautiful Saturday morning, volunteers arrived and geared up at 8:00 AM. They worked diligently until 10:00 AM, filling multiple trash bags with items such as plastic trash, bottles, take out containers, and […]

ALYUS Pearland July Driveway Wash Fundraising

The annual ALYUS Pearland summer driveway wash fundraising, started on 7/26/2019.   This year Mrs. Li donated a new power washer to AYLUS Pearland branch for the fundraising.   The first house AYLUS volunteers washed was Dr. Wen’s house at the LACP community.   Dr. Wen, who supported our last year’s fundraising event, generously supported this year as […]

AYLUS Pearland 4th Annual School Supplies Packing Event

On September 6th, 2019, the Pearland branch volunteers participated in the school supplies packing event at Hobby Elementary School, along with volunteers from other places in the event hosted by Houston’s C.A.R.E. organization. Event volunteers first took supplies out of boxes, picked pencils, scissors, crayons, markers, rulers, erasers etc. into a small bag, then filled […]

AYLUS Pearland Branch Decorates Pearland Rig for Celebration of Freedom

Written by: Tony Liu On July 3rd, the Pearland Branch volunteered with the Pearland Parks and Recreation Center to decorate this year’s Celebration of Freedom event. Working together, they lined the banners and flags along the railings of the football stadium. These volunteers ran decorations from the different areas and worked together to accomplish this […]