With the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, many hospitals are filling up with an endless number of patients and are in desperate need of medical supplies to treat everyone. In March 2020, AYLUS decided to alleviate some of the doctors’ stress by donating much needed N95 masks to doctors in the Houston area. As […]
Category: Pearland, TX Branch Posts
AYLUS Pearland Hello Wuhan Team Building
On March 7th, 2020 AYLUS volunteer instructors and students of the Hello Wuhan initiative had a team-building event. After a couple of weeks of pilot classes, enough volunteers and students were recruited to formally launch the long-term project. The online event was hosted and coordinated by Andy Jiang and Andy Gu so that all the […]
AYLUS Pearland Supports Flock Party
On October 12th, 2019, AYLUS volunteered and donated homemade dishes to Dawson High School’s Asian Culture Club for the school’s 2019 “Flock Party” event. As one of the most popular events at Dawson High School, the parking lot was full hours before the event. Volunteers had to wait in a long line to drop off […]
AYLUS Pearland starts Hello Wuhan Project
In March 2020, AYLUS Pearland started the Hello Wuhan project. Recognizing the extreme impact on daily life of the students in the area of Wuhan due to COVID-19, this project aims to connect with them and help academically in the ways we can as well as share cultural differences. Through family and friend contacts, as […]
AYLUS Pearland supports Dawson Asian Culture Club
On February 28th, AYLUS volunteers donated food to Dawson High School’s Asian Culture Club to support and spread awareness in a positive light of the Asian culture, uniting all kinds of culture together. That night, volunteers brought food from their culture to share with the diverse students of Dawson. Promoting a greater appreciation for Asian […]
AYLUS helps to Keep Pearland Beautiful
On March 7, AYLUS volunteers teamed up with Keep Pearland Beautiful to clean and pick up trash at Centennial Park and the Mary’s Creek waterway that runs through all of Pearland. On the beautiful Saturday morning, volunteers arrived at 7:30 AM and worked until 10:00 AM. They first had a lesson on the effects of […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteers at TMSCA Competition
For the fourth year in a row, AYLUS helps the TMSCA State Qualifier hosted by Pearland Junior High West through proctoring, grading, and monitoring students. Throughout the five hours of the competition, the fourteen volunteers worked alongside school administrators and other volunteers to help administer tests, grade tests, sell concessions, and more. Even though the […]
AYLUS Helps With Pearland Annual Multicultural Festival
On February 29th, AYLUS members helped volunteer at the annual multicultural festival located at Pearland High School. Members contributed by coordinating a booth representing the prosperous Chinese culture. AYLUS’s booth consisted of various activities as well as aspects that taught visitors about the history and lifestyle of Chinese culture. For instance, board members from the […]
AYLUS Pearland TAAF Winter Games
On January 18, 2020, AYLUS Pearland volunteers participated at the Pickeball event in the 2020 TAAF Winter Games of Texas. This event lasted from 11 AM to 4PM, and volunteers supplied the competitors with practice and game balls, helped retrieve lost balls, and guided competitors to their designated court. They helped control the flow of […]
AYLUS Pearland Winterfest Celebration
AYLUS Pearland volunteers at annual Pearland Parks and Recreation Winterfest Celebration On January 25th, 2020, the AYLUS Pearland Branch volunteers participated at the annual Pearland Winterfest Festival. This is the 4th year that AYLUS members have participated in the Winterfest event. There were 11 AYLUS volunteers among over 130 volunteers, providing services to nearly 10,000 attendees […]
AYLUS Pearland Annual Winter Talent Show
On December 21st 2019 from 9am to 11am, members of the AYLUS Pearland youth group performed in the annual winter talent show. Volunteers performed at the Landing at Watercrest, a new senior living location that caters for elders with Alzheimer’s disease. Performers showcased various acts including talents such as singing, dancing and playing on traditional […]
AYLUS Pearland Veteran’s Day Walk
On Saturday, November 9, AYLUS Pearland partnered with Pearland Parks and Recreation to host the annual Veterans Day Walk/ Hike for Mental Health between Turner High School and the Pearland Recreation Center. The event lasted a total of 4 hours, and many members of the community participated in this event, including many veterans themselves. The […]
AYLUS Keep Pearland Beautiful
On October 13th, AYLUS volunteers teamed up with Keep Pearland Beautiful to clean and pick up trash at Centennial Park and the waterway around it in Pearland. On the beautiful Saturday morning, volunteers arrived and geared up at 8:00 AM. They worked diligently until 10:00 AM, filling multiple trash bags with items such as plastic trash, bottles, take out containers, and […]
AYLUS Pearland helps out at Houston Food Bank
On August 18, 2019, volunteers from AYLUS Pearland worked from 9 AM – 12 AM tirelessly in order to provide meals for those in need. They were split up into separate groups during their shifts and worked on several tasks such as: preparing food, loading and unloading boxes, wrapping bags, sorting containers, and many more […]
AYLUS Pearland August Driveway Wash Fundraising
AYLUS Pearland volunteers washed 2 driveways and back yard patios in August on 8/5 and 8/12, thanks to the Wu family and Dr. Yan’s generous support. The areas of driveway and patio are massive for the 2 houses. It took the volunteers a long time during hot summer to finish the tasks. Volunteers participated the […]
ALYUS Pearland July Driveway Wash Fundraising
The annual ALYUS Pearland summer driveway wash fundraising, started on 7/26/2019. This year Mrs. Li donated a new power washer to AYLUS Pearland branch for the fundraising. The first house AYLUS volunteers washed was Dr. Wen’s house at the LACP community. Dr. Wen, who supported our last year’s fundraising event, generously supported this year as […]
AYLUS Pearland 4th Annual School Supplies Packing Event
On September 6th, 2019, the Pearland branch volunteers participated in the school supplies packing event at Hobby Elementary School, along with volunteers from other places in the event hosted by Houston’s C.A.R.E. organization. Event volunteers first took supplies out of boxes, picked pencils, scissors, crayons, markers, rulers, erasers etc. into a small bag, then filled […]
AYLUS Summer Talent Show at Colonial Oaks
On July 20th 2019 from 2:00 to 3:00pm, members of AYLUS Pearland alongside community members performed in the second Summer Talent Show at Colonial Oaks. AYLUS members Kate Liu and Andy Gu hosted the show by providing introductions for each of the performers while additionally educating the audience about AYLUS and its current positive impact […]
AYLUS Teaches Summer Art Classes
Through the summer months of 2019, AYLUS Pearland hosted sixteen art classes at the local Michael’s classroom. Classes were held on Sunday and Monday evenings during June and July. AYLUS members Kate Liu, Janie Chen, Kathy Liang, Irene Liu, Tien Tran, Katherine Zhong, Ella and Sophia Lin participated in the teaching aspect of the project. […]
AYLUS Hosts the 3rd Annual College Forum
On May 18, 2019 from 3:30 to 5:30pm, AYLUS Pearland partnered with the Pearland Chinese School to host the 3rd Annual High School Life and College Applications Seminar. Parents and current students were educated on the different aspects of high school and the process of writing application and the preparation needed for high achievement in […]
AYLUS Pearland July 4th Flag Retrieval
On July 7, 2019, AYLUS members Jerry Gu and Luxin Peng helped C.A.R.E. founder, Peter Hwang, to retrieve dozens of American flags that were planted along Bellaire Boulevard for the 4th of July. From 8:30 to 11:00 AM, armed with metal wrenches and high spirits, our volunteers toiled strenuously under the hot Texan sun to […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Talent Show
On July 13th2019 from 2:30 to 3:30pm, members of AYLUS Pearland performed in the Summer Talent show at Tuscany Village Nursing Home. Participants of the show came together to bring a sense of joy and happiness to the seniors by performing a variety of talents like piano, violin, kung fu, dancing and unique Chinese instruments. […]
AYLUS Pearland Mulitcultural Festival
On March 30th2019, AYLUS partnered with the Pearland Chinese Association to organize a booth for the Multicultural Festival at Pearland High School. Members decorated the area with various Chinese decorations and a poster displaying the Great Wall of China alongside other traditional items like Chinese Opera, Calligraphy and food. In addition, we included many activities […]
AYLUS Pearland at July 4th Convention
The AYLUS Pearland Branch worked with Houston C.A.R.E, Pearland Parks and Recreation to run a July 4th convention this July 4th, 2019. The volunteers arrived early in the morning before the event to help with set up, and stayed to run booths. They worked behind the scenes for various performances, and quite literally did the […]
AYLUS Pearland July 4th Concert
On July 4, 2019, AYLUS members played a special Fourth of July concert at Autumn Leaves of Pearland, an assisted living memory care facility that specially accommodates seniors with dementia and Alzheimer’s. High school band students rehearsed and performed from 12 to 3 pm, bringing joy and patriotism in their music. They played a variety […]
AYLUS Pearland 4th Annual Easter Egg Hunt
On April 21, 2019, the AYLUS Pearland Branch worked alongside Pearland Chinese Association to host an Easter egg hunt open to families and kids of all ages at Tom Bass Park 1. This was the 4th annual Easter egg hunt that AYLUS Pearland Branch hosted. This amazing fun featured 1500 plastic eggs, lots of candy […]
AYLUS Sponsored Pearland Chinese YoYo Team
Pearland Chinese YoYo Team was established in September 2018 sponseredby Pearland Chinese Association and AYLUS Pearland Branch. The majority of the team are Aylus members and junior members. Pearland Chinese YoYo team organized 10 group practice sessions from September 18 to February 2019. It performed at the Starlight Talent Show in November 2018, holiday talent […]
AYLUS Pearland Hosts Its First Elections
On March 30, 2018 the AYLUS Pearland branch hosted its first ever election at the Pearland Westside Library. 24 voters attended the meeting, determining the outcome of the election. Several new leaders were officially welcomed into AYLUS leadership: Tony Liu as president; Jerry Gu and Vincent Yang as vice-presidents; Benjamin Liang as secretary; Andy Gu […]
AYLUS Pearland 2nd Annual Learn2Swim
AYLUS Pearland Branch hosted their 2nd annual Learn2Swim event from June 3rd to August 13rd. Once or twice a week, the volunteers of the Pearland Branch coach a group of children ages 6-14 at a local swimming pool. The 15 coaches worked with one another to teach the 40 children how to float and swim […]
AYLUS Pearland Branch Decorates Pearland Rig for Celebration of Freedom
Written by: Tony Liu On July 3rd, the Pearland Branch volunteered with the Pearland Parks and Recreation Center to decorate this year’s Celebration of Freedom event. Working together, they lined the banners and flags along the railings of the football stadium. These volunteers ran decorations from the different areas and worked together to accomplish this […]
AYLUS Pearland’s 3rd Annual Freedom Flag Decoration Event
On July 1st, the Pearland Branch and Houston Branch cooperated during the 3nd Annual AYLUS Freedom Flag Decoration Event. Both branches donated 4 hours of their time on the Saturday morning in the blazing heat. The group of over 30 volunteers split up into three teams and spread out along Bellaire street. The teams proudly […]
AYLUS Pearland Second Easter Egg Hunt
On April 16th, 2017, the AYLUS Pearland Branch worked alongside the Pearland Youth Soccer Academy (PYSA) to host an Easter egg hunt open to families of all ages at the Pearland Rogers middle school soccer fields. This was the second Easter egg hunt offered by AYLUS Pearland Branch. This amazing fun featured 1500 plastic eggs and fillers […]
Pearland Branch Hosts Easter Egg Hunt Event
To celebrate Easter, AYLUS-Pearland hosted an Easter Egg Hunt at Tom Bass Regional Park on March 25th, 2016. Together, the volunteers prepared over 800 Easter eggs for the participants to search for. Food and drink was also provided during the 2 hours time. Overall, the kids had a lot of fun playing, eating and drinking, […]