AYLUS Pearland Summer Chess Lessons

Starting on May 2, 2020, AYLUS started offering chess lessons via Zoom calls to kids who wanted to acquire skill in the strategic game of chess. The lessons are taught by Aaron and Baron, two advanced chess players with knowledge on strategies and ideas to win. Typically, 10-15 students, ranging from kindergarten to 7th grade, join the call on Sundays from 6:30-8:30. During the first hour, Aaron and Baron give an organized lecture on an important aspect of the game that the kids can learn from. After they come back from a short break, they can display their skill in an online tournament and compete against their fellow students. This ensures that the kids will get practice even during these unprecedented times. They both love chess and are enthusiastic to share their experiences with the students. The lessons will continue until the beginning of the school year in August. During an extended time period when there are little chess resources, the chess lessons from AYLUS have been  a bright light in many students’ days.

Reported by Aaron Wu

Updated: June 21, 2020 — 12:33 am

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