AYLUS Pearland Donates Cards Towards Healthcare Workers

During this COVID-19 pandemic, frontline healthcare workers around the world have been working tirelessly to help save lives. On May 1st, 2020, AYLUS members wrote and decorated thank you cards through Methodist hospital’s national campaign, Hearts for Healthcare Workers, for the brave, selfless nurses and doctors. An AYLUS member also posted flyers and collected cards from her neighborhood. Throughout one week, members and their local communities had produced fifty cards. Participants, ranging from five to sixteen years old, drew and wrote notes of encouragement and appreciation. All the cards were assembled together to create two large posters to deliver to Houston Methodist Hospital’s Visual Arts Center of Performing Arts Medicine department. Those two posters will then be delivered to the frontline units to motivate and show our community’s appreciation for the healthcare heroes. An online gallery of all Hearts for Healthcare workers cards can be viewed at https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNz_9IaKDHRF-Wb9bEpI0EE5pc-BKoHLRGKlGX3L5uTsdLtJPt1-NyfCs2R5KalMw?key=S1JUcmpXRGxMeUtpaEJqRmE1UThBRmpCb3RtZmV3
Participating Members: Catherine Bai, Andrew Du, Evan Du, Lijun He, Aila Jiang, Andy Jiang, Richard Kuzmenko, Sasha Kuzmenko,  Emma L., Arianna Li, Bryan Li, Thomas Liang, Kate Liu, Jayden Lu, Edward Qi, Eric Qi, Hannah Sang, Alex Song, Kevin Song, Mark W., Anne Wong , Aaron Wu, Gloria Zhang, Grace Zhang

Written By Catherine Bai

Updated: June 9, 2020 — 3:45 pm

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