AYLUS Pearland Annual College Forum

On June 5th, 2020, AYLUS Pearland hosted the 4th annual college forum through Zoom. Over 80 families joined to listen to high school graduates, college students, and former college students explain their experience throughout their years of education.

AYLUS had the special opportunity to have seven accomplished speakers attend the panel. Samuel Jing of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Karen Lu of Rice University, Claire Lu of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Helen Wang of Harvard, Jason Jiang of the University of Pennsylvania, Olivia Zhang of Yale University, and Jason Liu of Yale University all took part in advising on high school life and the college application process.

AYLUS members Kate Liu and Andy Gu helped organize and host the night’s event by asking speakers about high school and college information. Additionally, the audience members were able to voice comments and ask questions. The night ended with another successful College Life and Experiences Seminar.

Reported by Kate Liu


Updated: August 11, 2020 — 10:02 pm

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