AYLUS Pearland Wuhan Project May Update

The Hello Wuhan project has been going for three months starting from March, 2020. All volunteers have been doing their job extremely well.
May was a busy month for the volunteers. The team decided to pause for two classes, to let volunteers prepare for AP exams. On May 2nd and 3rd, volunteers took a break from teaching class. The following week, on May 9th and 10th, more than half of the volunteers decided to return to teaching lessons. They kept their commitment of service and really enjoyed teaching the students of Wuhan.
On the last week of May, all high school students of Wuhan had school board standard exams for two
days, so the lessons had to pause again. Everyone was busy studying even during the quarantine time.
Volunteers include: Andy Gu, Hannah Sang, Michael Meng, Thomas Feng, Emily She, Matthew Li, Alex Miao,
Sophia Lin, Aaron Wu, Jayden Lu, Baron Niu, Fred Guo, Andy Jiang, Derek Zhu, Kate Liu, and Iris Chen.

Reported by Andy Gu

Updated: June 9, 2020 — 7:03 pm

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