AYLUS Prepares for the 4th Annual Garage Sale Fundraiser

On August 30, 2019, members of AYLUS worked together to prepare for the annual garage sale fundraiser. In the previous weeks, families from AYLUS collectively donated items such as clothes, toys and house decorations to help launch the garage sale. To help prepare, members organized the donated items into categories. Jeans were laid out onto tables and sorted by sizes. Shirts were hung onto clothing racks and were ready to be displayed.  Members collaboratively decided on a plan for the next day to ensure efficiency on sales for customers. Ultimately, after two hours of hard work the garage sale was set up and ready for the next day.

Volunteers: Thomas Feng, Andy Gu, Andy Jiang, Kate Liu, Jayden Lu, Edward Qi, Eric Qi

Written By: Kate Liu

Updated: April 10, 2020 — 3:33 am

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