AYLUS volunteers performed at the Landings at Watercrest senior care center on December 20 th 2022. Volunteers spent time organizing acts and eventually met to combine all nine acts into a full performance for the residents of the senior home. We aimed to spread holiday joy to everyone watching, collecting a variety of acts from […]
Category: Pearland, TX Branch Posts
AYLUS Pearland Raised Fund for SMILE at Houston Art Festival Dec 10th 2022
On December 10, 2022, AYLUS volunteered with the Art for Change project at the Houston Art Festival. Volunteers sold Christmas cards made by the special needs students at SMILE program to raise money for the Art for Change fundraiser. The $196 raised from this event will help to equip special needs classrooms with laptops and […]
AYLUS Pearland Fundraiser at Old Pearland Farmers Market for SNCC on Dec. 17th, 2022
On December 17th, 2022 AYLUS Pearland members volunteered at the Old Pearland Farmers Market and ran a fundraiser stand for SNCC, a special needs caring center created by the Light and Salt Association. The Old Pearland Farmers Market is an event hosted by the Pearland Park and Recreation Department on the 3rd weekend of every […]
AYLUS Pearland Tutoring at Ed White Elementary December 17th, 2022
On December 17, 2022, Pearland AYLUS volunteers went to Ed White Elementary School to tutor kids. Each volunteer was paired up with one kid — since there were a lot of volunteers from other branches this time as well — at individual cafeteria tables and tutored the kids with important math concepts like multiplication, and […]
AYLUS Pearland Support Project Food for Thought on Dec. 11th , 2022
On Dec. 11th 2022, at AYLUS Pearland’s first collaboration donation drive with Dawson CmPS team Project Food for Thought, we collected produce scraps and received many contributions. We helped design social media posts and organize/sort the produce donated. The volunteers dropped off bags of compost for us to collect as well as organized scraps and […]
AYLUS Pearland Tutoring at Ed White Elementary December 3rd, 2022
On December 3, 2022, AYLUS Pearland Volunteers went to ED White Elementary school to tutor the students from 3rd -5th grade. ED White Elementary is located in a multicultural neighborhood. They have a long-term program that helps students from disadvantaged families with Math or Reading. AYLUS volunteers were assigned to different students and helped them with […]
AYLUS Pearland Participated in AYLUS National Essay Contest on Nov. 30th, 2022
In order to encourage AYLUS members across all the AYLUS branches to share their volunteer experiences, the AYLUS national board hosted a national essay contest, which is due on November 30th, 2022. The Great Princeton Branch of AYLUS sponsored the contest by providing $1,000 award to the winners. All the essays submitted will be reviewed […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteers Packed Homeless Care Kits and Ran a fundraiser on Nov. 27th 2022
On Sunday, November 27th, 2022, members of the Pearland Branch volunteers gathered at the Silverlake park to pack homeless care kits and candy for Mexican children. Meanwhile they also ran a fundraiser for SMILE from 3pm to 5pm. AYLUS volunteers worked with kids from the community to pack the donated toiletries, socks, band aids, wipes, […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteered in Annual Pearland Turkey Trot on Nov. 24th. 2022
During the early, humid morning of Thanksgiving (11/24/2022), AYLUS Pearland volunteers gathered near Independence Park and Pearland Parkway to help organize and distribute items for Pearland Turkey Trot. AYLUS volunteers helped out at the event from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM. At the start, volunteers helped set up tables, filled paper cups with water, and […]
AYLUS Pearland Members Design 2023 Calendar Nov. 2022
Throughout the month of November, AYLUS members spent time attending several planning meetings, sorting through countless photos, and designing the 2023 AYLUS calendar. Each member worked diligently to find photos that showcased the amazing AYLUS environment, and best represented all of our members. In our meetings, we talked about design details and how to ensure […]
AYLUS Pearland Food Donation Distribution on Nov. 24th, 2022
On Thanksgiving Day (11/24/2022), volunteers Tina Dong and Aila Jiang distributed AYLUS Pearland’s food and sanitation product donations to the St. Vincent dePaul Food Pantry. Despite the pouring rain, the volunteers swiftly gathered the items and dropped them into the collection box. The donations were all from AYLUS Pearland Board members and included 9 pounds […]
AYLUS Pearland’s online English Tutoring Program Fall 2022
AYLUS Pearland junior members continued their online English tutoring program throughout the fall 2022 with new students and tutors. Our English tutors are dedicated to teach English to students who are not native English speakers or students who are new to the country. They use online sources to facilitate in the English class. The students […]
AYLUS Volunteers Play Drums for Upcoming Performance on Nov. 25th, 2022
On the 25th of November 2022, AYLUS volunteers learned how to play bucket drums to prepare for the performance with special needs at the upcoming Lunar New Year Gala. They will be playing onstage the song Wavin’ Flag jointly with SMILE participants from the Special Needs Care Center. The Nov. 25th session was an introductory lesson […]
AYLUS Pearland Support Old Pearland Farmers Market and Ran a Fundraiser Stand on Nov. 19th , 2022
On November 19, 2022 AYLUS Pearland members volunteered at the Old Pearland Farmers Market and ran a fundraiser stand for the laptop drive for SMILE, a special needs program. The Old Pearland Farmers Market is an event hosted by Pearland Park and Recreation Department on the 3rd weekend of every month for local small businesses […]
AYLUS Pearland Donation Drive to Support Families in Mexico, November 19, 2022
From November 1 to November 19, 2022, AYLUS Pearland hosted a donation drive to support families in Mexico. Volunteers collected many items in good condition and dropped them off at designated locations. In addition to the items we usually collect, including clothing and shoes for adults and kids, school supplies, bed and bedding supplies, small […]
AYLUS Pearland Youth Leaders Fulfilling the Reporting Duty for Project Rise and Shine May-Nov 2022
AYLUS Pearland has partnered with Project Rise and Shine since 2020 and has received the annual grant from Hogg Foundation for promoting minority youth mental health wellbeing. As a requirement of the grant, AYLUS Pearland needs to submit expense report, maintain a project list with statistics, and report to the Project Rise and Shine on […]
AYLUS Pearland Plant Sale Jun.-Nov. 2022
AYLUS Pearland hosted the online plant sale throughout the year. In June through July, volunteers sold jasmine, milk weed, snake plant, succulent, passion fruit plants and lotus flowers on WeChat groups to the local Chinese community. In summer, they have successfully geminated Mexican mango, Filipino mango and avocado plants and sold them on Facebook Market […]
AYLUS Pearland Candy Drive to Support Families and Children in Mexico Nov 5th , 2022
Halloween candy drive became an annual event for AYLUS Pearland. For AYLUS Pearland volunteers, those candies are perfect Christmas gifts to give out to families and children living in the poor neighborhoods in Mexico. For families with extra candy at home after Halloween, this is their opportunity to support a good cause and teach their […]
AYLUS Pearland Teaches Light and Salt Association SMILE Classes in June 2022
On Tuesday, June 21st , members of the Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States of Pearland volunteered at the SMILE program at the Light and Salt Association. In the morning, Aila Jiang taught the students to paint flowerpots resembling the United States flag to honor Independence Day. The students had made beautiful creations […]
AYLUS Pearland Tutoring at Ed White Elementary November 5th, 2022
On November 5, 2022, Pearland AYLUS volunteers went to Ed White Elementary School to tutor kids. Each volunteer was paired up with one or two kids at individual cafeteria tables and tutored the kids with important math concepts like multiplication, division, etc. They practiced with worksheets and exercises. Reading passages were also tutored with educational […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteered at Pearland Annual Trick or Treat Trail October 31
On Monday, October 31st, 2022, AYLUS Pearland volunteered at the annual trick or treat trail hosted by Pearland Parks and Recreation. Volunteers arrived at Pearland independent park at 4:30 pm and helped guiding Trick or Treaters through inflatables and attractions, monitoring the safety of the participating kids, and setting up and tearing down the decorations. […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteered at Old Pearland’s Farmer’s Market Trick Trunk Oct. 29
On Saturday, October 29, 2022, AYLUS Pearland volunteers helped at the trick trunk event hosted by a local non-profit animal rescue organization, Pearland Canine Resource Center. Old Pearland Farmer’s Market invited AYLUS Pearland volunteers to help them to promote their upcoming holiday Farmers’ Market at the event. AYLUS volunteers first helped the organizer to create […]
AYLUS Pearland Calls for Annual Survey and Essay on October 31, 2022
2022 AYLUS Survey and National Essay Contest From September 27th, 2022, to October 31st, 2022, AYLUS Pearland surveyed AYLUS members to gauge feedback and overall volunteering experience. Volunteers completed the survey honestly and wrote a short essay describing how volunteering has impacted their mental health. In addition, volunteers wrote essays about their volunteering experiences. […]
AYLUS Pearland Runs a Water Stop at the 2022 Houston Half Marathon and 10k (10/30/22)
On Sunday, October 30th, 2022, AYLUS Pearland joined Pearland Chinese Association volunteered at the Houston Half Marathon and 10k. The volunteers started setting up the table and got the water ready from 5:00am. The event started from 6:40am to 11:00am. The AYLUS volunteers cheered on the runners and provided water and Gatorade for those runners […]
AYLUS Pearland Hosted a Spirit Night with Local Restaurant for Fundraising on Oct 25th, 2022
On October 25th, AYLUS Pearland hosted a spirit night with the local restaurant, the Halal Guys. The restaurant would give back 15% of their earnings for customers who dine in or place phone order on that night and also mention AYLUS during order. A lot of family and friends participated in this event. To help […]
AYLUS Pearland Hosts a Banner Design Contest on October 16th, 2022
From September 26th to October 16th, 2022, AYLUS Pearland hosted a banner design contest among organizations. Each participant needed to submit two designs: one for a vertical rectangular banner and another for a product of the designer’s choice, such as a magnet, bookmark, sticker, etc. The banner was required to include the AYLUS Pearland name, AYLUS […]
AYLUS Pearland Participates New Member Orientation on Zoom October 16th, 2022
On Sunday October 16th, 2022, AYLUS Headquarters hosted a new member orientation on Zoom. Cassie Wang first introduced AYLUS and its mission, vision, and objectives. Then, the host and co-host, Kevin Chen and Alan Huang, went over AYLUS’s history, how it came to be, the process that each branch takes to stay functioning, and what […]
AYLUS Pearland Participated in Youth Leadership Forum, October 8th, 2022
On October 8th, leaders of AYLUS Pearland joined a youth leadership forum organized by the Light and Salt Association, continue to brainstorm potential future service projects with other youth leadership organizations in greater Houston area. They started with an icebreaker activity to brighten the mood and set a more relaxed environment. Then, they discussed possible […]
AYLUS Pearland Tutoring at ED White Elementary October 15th, 2022
On October 15 2022, AYLUS volunteers went to Ed White Elementary School to tutor kids. The volunteers helped and tutored the kids with subjects like math and reading. The tutors taught important math concepts like rounding, multiplication, and other core skills. They also helped the kids with reading through guided passages and activities on vocabulary […]
AYLUS Pearland Team Building and Parent/Teen Bonding Event on Oct 10th , 2022
On Monday, October 10 th , 2022, AYLUS volunteers host a team building and parents/teens bonding event at Tom Bass Regional Park. It was a beautiful day, with clear blue sky, gentle breeze, fresh air, and comfortable temperature. AYLUS officers, project leads, and volunteers arrived early at 9:00am to set up the pumpkin maze, tables, […]
AYLUS Pearland Supports Community Health Fair of Light and Salt Association on October 1st, 2022
On Saturday, October 1st, 2022, six AYLUS Pearland members volunteered for the Community Health Fair of the Light and Salt Association. During this 4.5-hour time period, participants helped not only with screenings for hepatitis C and B, but also making sure the community was well informed about risks, causes, and effects of HCV. Early in […]
AYLUS Pearland Tutoring at ED White Elementary, October 1st, 2022
AYLUS Pearland volunteers continued the 2022-2023 school year tutoring session at Ed White Elementary School on October 1st, 2022, to teach students subjects including reading and math. Different volunteers worked on different activities like playing games involved with math or reading. Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth graders were all taught by suitable volunteers. Some students […]
AYLUS Pearland Fundraising for September, 2022
During September 2022, AYLUS Pearland volunteers worked hard to sell items such as plants, socks, climbing backpack, homecoming mum, etc. for and AYLUS fundraiser. Some volunteers made videos and posters advertising the products while the other volunteers making mum and helped with the delivery. A total of 291 dollars was raised to help AYLUS fund […]
AYLUS Pearland Hosts Winter Melon Sale Fundraiser on September 23rd, 2022
On September 23 rd from the donation of Pearland resident, Mrs. Nuo Yi, AYLUS Pearland was able to raise $137 to support student clubs/ sports teams at Dawson High School. Mrs. Yi donated 20 home grown winter melons that totaled about 250 pounds to AYLUS Pearland for this fundraising event. AYLUS posted the event online […]
AYLUS Pearland Participated Bridging the Gap Intergenerational Connectivity Program September 24 th , 2022
More than a year ago, Hogg Foundation awarded LSA funding to develop a program to promote the bonding between parents and teen youth, and to improve the mental wellbeing in minority youth. After a year and half worth of preparation, LSA invited AYLUS Pearland along with other youth organizations to test their pilot program. On […]
AYLUS Pearland Attended Groundbreaking of Pearland’s First Inclusive Playground on September 26th, 2022
AYLUS Pearland was invited by the Forever Parks Foundation of Pearland to attend the groundbreaking of Pearland’s Ed Thompson Inclusive Playground, first inclusive playground in Pearland, on September 26 th, 2022. AYLUS Pearland has been supporting this project ever since the project’s kick-off on 5/1/2021, through fundraising and volunteering at various events. AYLUS Pearland donated […]
AYLUS Pearland Tutoring at Ed White Elementary, September 17th
AYLUS Pearland volunteers started the 2022-2023 school year tutoring session at Ed White Elementary School on September 17th, 2022, in order to teach students subjects including reading and math. The tutoring event was kickstarted by a generous donation from AYLUS Pearland to Ed White Elementary of $1500, which would be used to pay for incentives […]
AYLUS Pearland is Awarded Fund for the 3 rd Consecutive Year by Project Rise and Shine – Jul 7th , 2022
Project Rise and Shine (PRS) informed AYLUS Pearland that its fund application for fiscal year June 2022-May 2023 has been approved so AYLUS will continue to be the partner of this project for the 3rd consecutive years. The funding enabled AYLUS Pearland to take on more community service projects and explore new initiatives. In the […]
AYLUS Pearland Supports LSA with Physical Examinations -August 20
On Saturday, August 20, from 1:20 to 4:20 pm, AYLUS volunteers Emma Xi, Allison Xia, and Daniel Xi volunteered at Light and Salt Association for physical examination including hepatitis A, B, C, HPV testing on seniors. Emma Xi interacted with seniors, informing them about health risks and the reasons that they needed to the exam, […]
AYLUS Pearland Hosts Garage Sale to Support School Clubs/Teams – Aug 27th
On Saturday, August 27th , 2022, AYLUS Pearland hosted a garage sale at Silverlake, Pearland from 7-11:30am. Starting at 6:30 am, parents and members set up advertisement signs in the community and arranged sale items. People started lining up at the driveway at 7:00 AM, while AYLUS volunteers helped them select items and calculate costs. […]