Pearland Branch Made Cotton Candy and Popcorn at Library on Mar. 11th, 2023

On March 11, 2023, AYLUS Pearland made cotton candy and popcorn at the Pearland West Library.  This session is to prepare for the ED White Health Fair and Family Event in April. AYLUS Pearland volunteers set up and calibrated the machines and then tested out different recipes.  To make popcorn, put 3 tablespoons of popcorn oil and 1 half of kernel corn into the machine, wait for the kernels to pop and when the popcorn is hot enough then let it rest and add flavor at the end. To make cotton candy, the volunteers use scooper and add candy in the machine, get a stick ready to put the cotton candy on the stick. They adjusted the angle of the sticks to make different shapes of the cotton candy and gave them out to the kids in the library.

Volunteers (1 hour): Katlyn Zhuang, Garbo Wood, Adalyn Liu, Allison Zhang, Grace Ji, Aaron Chow, Gabriel Chow, Catherine Dong

Parent Participation : Fang F. (Catherine), XiaoPing (Aaron), Carol L., Rui K. (Adalyn)

Reported by Katlyn Zhuang

Updated: May 5, 2023 — 3:56 pm

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