On July 3rd, 2021, AYLUS volunteers planted poles and put-up flags to celebrate Independence Day for the 5th year in a row. The sponsors who provide the flags were Houston 80/20 and Houston C.A.R.E. The event was held in Houston Chinatown . The volunteers arrived at around 7:30 AM and then were shown how to […]
Category: Pearland, TX Branch Posts
AYLUS Pearland Helped Out at Special Needs Summer Camp in June
On the mornings of June 11th, 18th, and 25th, AYLUS Pearland assisted a summer camp run by the Special Needs Care Center at the Light & Salt Association. Junior members helped to teach and assist classes for special needs students. These classes consisted of basic stretching and exercises and simple dance combinations. The volunteers arrived […]
AYLUS Pearland Supports All-Inclusive Playground Project
On May 1st, 2021, Forever Parks Foundation of Pearland hosted the fundraiser kickoff event for Pearland’s first All-inclusive Playground at the Shadow Creek Ranch Sports Complex. The playground is expected to come to life next year. Twelve AYLUS Pearland members, divided into 2 shifts, volunteered at the event. The first-shift volunteers were responsible for setting […]
AYLUS Pearland July 6th Celebration of Freedom Decoration Removal
After working alongside Pearland Parks and Recreation to set up, decorate, and host the July 4th Celebration of Freedom Event at Independence Park, several members of AYLUS Pearland volunteered to take down the decorations following the successful event. On July 6 th , 2021, AYLUS Pearland volunteers worked for 1.5 hours from 9-10:30 am to […]
AYLUS Pearland Jr. Members Continued Online Tutoring Fundraising Program in June
AYLUS Pearland Jr. Members Continued Online Tutoring Fundraising Program in June Continuing from the last report on the Aylus junior Initiated Online Tutoring Fundraising Program reported by Aila Jiang. There are currently 10 students, 4 of them from China, enrolled in classes with new bilingual tutors Zide and Jason on Saturdays. We are continuing the […]
AYLUS Pearland Jr. Members Continued Online Tutoring Fundraising Program in May
AYLUS Pearland junior members continued its online tutoring program throughout the month of May with new additions. To accommodate the growing class sizes and increase in tutors, an extra class was added on Saturday for students specifically living in China. In order to assist those who need support on English, the teachers adjusted its curriculum […]
AYLUS Pearland Prepared for July Plant Sale
To prepare for the July plant sale, a fundraiser for the special needs’ day camp, AYLUS Pearland requested plant donations from the community. On June 29th, 2021, Mrs. Chan donated varieties of moss rose to the fundraiser and informed AYLUS members to dig them out from her backyard. Five AYLUS members brought tools to Mrs. […]
AYLUS Pearland July 4th Milk Tea Sale Fundraising to support Houston C.A.R.E.
On July 4th, 2021, AYLUS volunteers sold Boba milk teas, sodas, and chips for the Chinese American Relief Effort (CARE) 2021. The milk teas were sponsored by Mr. Brian Liu. Hosted by Houston CARE, the event was located at the Plaza Americans in Houston city. Volunteers worked 4 hours from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm […]
AYLUS Pearland Helps With Keep Pearland Beautiful’s Shoe Drive
Throughout the beginning of June, AYLUS Pearland worked together to collect shoes to donate towards Keep Pearland Beautiful’s Shoe Drive. The goal of the shoe drive was to help keep shoes out of landfills. Shoes that were new or gently used were donated to citizens from developing nations. Shoes that were more worn out were […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Art Lessons-June
Starting from June 14th, AYLUS Pearland has been offering summer art classes for elementary and middle school students. Each week, the teacher volunteers teach two art classes with each one being one hour long. One of the classes is held virtually through Zoom and the other is held in the park where students can interact […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Reading Lessons – June
In June 2021, AYLUS Pearland started to offer free summer reading lessons. By using resources from Reading A-Z, 8 AYLUS Pearland volunteers were able to help more than 20 students ranging from first to fifth grade. In addition to using the given materials, the volunteers prepared their own lesson plans before class to help the […]
AYLUS Pearland Cigarette Litter Cleanup to Keep Pearland Beautiful
On May 15, 2021, AYLUS Pearland volunteered at Keep Pearland Beautiful’s Cigarette Cleanup Event from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. At the start of the event, Keep Pearland Beautiful gave volunteers a presentation regarding the procedure of collecting cigarettes as well as spreading awareness of the environmental impact of wrongfully discarding cigarettes. Then, volunteers were […]
AYLUS Pearland General Math End of Summer Tutoring Summary
Almost all of the in-person summer camps have been paused by COVID-19 pandemic , therefore, the demanding for online tutoring are growing massively. Especially for elementary students, their parents feel their kids’ education are negatively impacted by school closure due to the concerning of coronavirus. To help the community, some of AYLUS members volunteered to […]
AYLUS Pearland Earth Day Clean and Green Cleanup
On the morning of April 24th (2021), AYLUS Pearland worked to clean up and beautify the Pearland Town Center, in preparation for Earth Day celebrations. Along with students from local high schools and organized by the Greater Businesses of Pearland, volunteers filled numerous trash bags with plastic cups, plastic bags, cigarette butts, and other various pieces […]
AYLUS Pearland Officers 2021 Election
Since September of 2015, AYLUS Pearland has led hundreds of different service events for its community and beyond. From volunteering with organizations like Pearland Parks and Recreation, to video chats across the world with our Hello Wuhan project, to fundraising and coaching summer recreational activities, we were all impressed by how much AYLUS has accomplished. […]
AYLUS Pearland Clean up Community Garden to Keep Pearland Beautiful
On April 17th, 2021 from 8:00 to 10:00, four AYLUS volunteers came together to clean up the flowerbeds of the Community Garden at the front of Pearland YMCA. We helped by pulling out foliage by their roots, disposing of them, and cleaning several flower beds to grow new plants. After working two hours in the […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Driveway Wash Fundraising
Throughout the summer of 2020 (6/18/2020 and 6/23/2020), several AYLUS Pearland volunteers participated in the summer driveway wash fundraising event. The volunteers fundraised money for the AYLUS organization by power washing several driveways, including Mrs. Yang’s. Each volunteer worked diligently to remove and wash away the surface dirt on the driveways. After working for several […]
AYLUS Pearland Hosted End of Summer 2020 Celebration and Appreciation Online Gathering
On August 29th, AYLUS Pearland organized an online gathering before the Fall school semester started. The participants were all TAs who taught the summer programs, TAs for Hello Wuhan program, volunteers who participated in other AYLUS Pearland activities in 2020, and donors to the several fundraising events hosted by AYLUS Pearland. On August 8th, AYLUS […]
AYLUS Pearland June Driveway Power Wash Fundraiser
In June of 2020 (6/18/2020, 6/23/2020), several AYLUS Pearland volunteers participated in the summer driveway wash fundraising event. The volunteers fundraised money for the AYLUS organization by power washing several driveways, including Mrs. Yang’s. Each volunteer worked diligently to remove and wash away the surface dirt on the driveways. After working for 3 hours on […]
AYLUS Pearland First Spring Seedling Fundraising Event
AYLUS Pearland held its first spring nursery and seedlings fundraising event during February-April 2021 in the collaboration with Pearland Chinese Association. This event was sponsored by Project Rise and Shine who provided the initial funding to purchase planting supplies such as gardening soil, seedling pots, and planting bags. Many families in the Pearland community donated […]
AYLUS Pearland becomes a Partner of Project Rise and Shine
On June 23rd, 2020, AYLUS Pearland Vice President Andy Jiang represented AYLUS Pearland at Project Rise and Shine’s Collaborative Meeting. In the meeting Andy Jiang introduced AYLUS’ mission and vision, along with its history and recent events. At the end of June, Project Rise and Shine invited AYLUS Pearland to become one of the ten […]
AYLUS Pearland First Calendar
During the winter break of 2020, AYLUS Pearland decided to print their first event calendar. On January 2nd, 2021, all photos were selected by AYLUS board members along with three calendar designs. The first draft of the calendar was completed on Jan. 2nd and submitted to the board for review. The 2nd version was completed […]
AYLUS Pearland Forester Elementary School Supplies and Food Donation
Beginning in March, AYLUS Pearland organized a donation to the students of Forester Elementary school. Parents from all across the AYLUS Pearland community donated academic supplies, non-perishable food items, hygiene products, and clothing to be distributed to students at Forester Elementary School. After collecting donations for three weeks, on March 26th, 2021, AYLUS then gathered […]
AYLUS Pearland 2nd Tree Planting Event
AYLUS Pearland 2nd Tree Planting Event
AYLUS Pearland Summer Art Lessons for Elementary Students
During August and September, AYLUS Pearland members were invited to virtually teach students from economically disadvantaged elementary schools located in Houston. Despite the students having minimum knowledge in art and limited materials, they were able to experiment with multiple different styles of art including realism, abstract, and cartoon drawing. Every week, the students could choose […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteers on Plant a Tree Day
On Saturday March 20, AYLUS Pearland attended the Plant a Tree Day event hosted by Keep Pearland Beautiful and sponsored by Aramco. The goal of KPB’s event was to plant 1000 native tree species including oak, maple, pine, and cedar along the walking trail at the John Hargrove Environment Complex. During the event, AYLUS members, […]
ALYUS Pearland Organizes Book Drive for Communities in Schools
During the holiday of 2020, the AYLUS Pearland Branch hosted a book drive. Within a week, 31 volunteers attended the book drive and a total of 795 books were collected. The number of books each volunteer donated ranged from 4 to 140. The books are for 1st to 8th grades. The donated books included many different fiction […]
AYLUS Pearland Summer Art Lessons for Elementary Students
During August and September, AYLUS Pearland members were invited to virtually teach students from economically disadvantaged elementary schools located in Houston. Despite the students having minimum knowledge in art and limited materials, they were able to experiment with multiple different styles of art including realism, abstract, and cartoon drawing. Every week, the students could choose […]
AYLUS Pearland Presents for the AYLUS National Seminar
On October 17th, AYLUS Co-Vice President Kate Liu presented for the AYLUS National Seminar. During the presentation, she introduced the accomplishments completed by AYLUS Pearland over the past years as well as the volunteer activities that the Pearland branch has participated in. After the presentation, she openly answered questions that other AYLUS branches had. In […]
AYLUS Pearland attends Keep Pearland Beautiful Waterway Cleanup
On March 13, 2021, AYLUS attended a waterway cleanup event hosted by Keep Pearland Beautiful. Nine volunteer members attended the event and worked from 7:30 AM to 10:00 AM. The group of volunteers helped pick up litter around Centennial Park and along Mary’s Creek. Volunteers worked diligently and ended up filling multiple bags with items […]
AYLUS Pearland Spring Driveway Wash Fundraising
On the afternoon of February 21, 2021, two AYLUS volunteers pressure-washed Ms. Sophie’s driveway to support AYLUS Pearland. The volunteers first started by clearing the driveway of plant pots and other gardening items. Then, they hooked up and started the pressure-washing machine to begin cleaning the driveway. Because of the recent winter storm that rolled […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteers at Arbor Day Tree Distribution
On January 23, 2021, AYLUS attended the service in the annual Arbor Day Tree Giveaway event at Stella Roberts Recycling Center. The event was hosted by Keep Pearland Beautiful. 10 AYLUS volunteers grouped in two shifts, each group worked 2.5 hours to load trees into the drive through vehicles. In the chilly weather, AYLUS volunteers […]
AYLUS Pearland Supports Project Vaccine Perspective
AYLUS Webinar Report 1/30/21 On January 30, 2021, AYLUS Pearland teamed up with Light and Salt Association: Project Rise and Shine and the Dawson Community Problem Solving team in order to conduct an online webinar about the COVID-19 disease. The event was organized by ten Dawson students under the team of Project Vaccination Perspectives. Around […]
AYLUS Pearland Independence Park Un-Decoration Project
On the crisp morning of January 9, 2021, AYLUS Pearland teamed up with Pearland Parks and Recreation to take down the Christmas decorations at Independence Park. After a brief rundown of the day’s activities, the volunteers split into 3 different groups to take down wreaths around the park and unwrap the lights on over 120 […]
AYLUS Pearland Cleanup at Shadow Creek Sports Complex
On the chilly Saturday morning of December 26, 2020, AYLUS volunteers teamed up to pick up trash and clean the area at the Sports Complex at Shadow Creek Ranch. The volunteers arrived at 9:00 AM and worked until 10:30 AM. After a short rundown of the day’s activities, and a recap of the year’s largest projects and […]
AYLUS Pearland Sends Christmas Cards to Methodist
From 12/16/20-12/20/20, AYLUS hosted an event to send holiday greeting cards to patients and medical staff at Houston Methodist Hospital. In total, nineteen AYLUS volunteers wrote and decorated seventy-five cards by hand, which were emailed to Methodist’s performing arts center. These cards will be printed out and delivered to the hospital’s patients and medical staff […]
AYLUS Pearland Nursing Home Mask Drive
From August to November 2020, a group of Dawson HS students partnered with AYLUS Pearland to raise money for Tuscany Village nursing home by selling homemade face masks. Several other AYLUS members contributed time and donated materials as well. We raised over $700 through sales and donated an additional $400 worth of masks to Pearland […]
AYLUS Pearland Volunteer at Tour De Lites Bike Ride
On the evening of December 12th, AYLUS Pearland with the City of Pearland Parks and Recreation Department prepared and guided the participants of the Tour De Lites bicycle riding event. On the weekend before the school semester final exams, volunteers gathered in Pearland Independence Park around 4:45 in the afternoon and helped bike riders sign […]
AYLUS Pearland Decorates Independence Park for Christmas
On the morning of November 21st, in preparation for the upcoming winter holidays, AYLUS Pearland teamed up with Pearland Parks and Recreation to decorate Independence Park. On a bright and sunny morning, volunteers woke up early during the start of their Thanksgiving Break to help brighten the winter holidays. With the decorations happening for the […]