Category: MurrietaBranch

Murrieta AYLUS volunteers at the Temecula Half Marathon and 5K (1st) (11/11/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Saturday, November 11, Murrieta AYLUS members manned a water station at the Temecula Half Marathon and 5K. Grabbing volunteer shirts, the volunteers boarded a cart to their first stop in the water stations. Mixing the electrolyte drink and pouring the water, they greeted the runners as they passed their […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 31st) ( 10/22/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Sunday, October 22, Murrieta AYLUS members lended a hand to local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers began with assisting the residents with their workout, then gathered up and put away the noodles. They poured drinks and prepared snacks for them, helping some residents drink carefully […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 30th) ( 10/15/2023)

Reported By Adora Xiao : On Sunday, October 15, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers passed out the noodles and helped the residents get started with their exercise. Stretching out their muscles and joints, the residents soon grew tired. Given there was no water, the volunteers […]

Murrieta AYLUS Hosts Recycling Event to Help Rescued Animals # 12 (10/14/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Saturday, October 14th, Murrieta AYLUS members sold bottles for charity. At a different recycling center, the volunteers counted out their bottles and sold them. Separating the sellable CRVs from other plastics and counting the different types of aluminum and glass. They ended up earning 23.08 dollars for their efforts […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 28th&29th) ( 10/01/2023) & (10/08/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Sunday, October 1, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered at local senior centers. At Torrey Pines Senior Living: The volunteers began with light exercise, before taking water and juice to all the residents. Thickening a few of the drinks for the residents who had trouble swallowing, the volunteers helped hand out […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 27th) ( 9/24/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : Sunday, September 24 at the Torrey Pines senior living center: The volunteers helped lead the residents through the noodle workout, stretching out their bodies. Then, they poured drinks for the residents and had them hydrate to gain some energy. For the less mobile residents, the volunteers helped them drink. After […]

Murrieta AYLUS Volunteers at Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley #13– ABWK project(09/23/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Saturday, September 23, Murrieta AYLUS members helped with the A Brush with Kindness program. Arriving at the site early in the morning, the volunteers prepared the tarps and taped off the house. They taped corners and the edges of the floor and laid down pieces of paper to protect […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 26th) ( 9/17/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Sunday, September 17 at Torrey Pines Senior Living Center: The volunteers started with their exercise regimen. They used pool noodles and stretched out their arms and legs, making sure the residents’ joints were limber. After the workout, the volunteers poured drinks of cranberry juice or water. For some of […]

Murrieta AYLUS Starts “Thank You Firefighters” Appreciation Month (6th) (9/16/2023)

Reported by Jessica Lu: On September 16th, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members went to visit Riverside County Stations 83 and 95, in Murrieta. September is Firefighter Appreciation Month so members went out to get some things for them. At each of the two stations, members brought along with them a box of water, some snacks, fruit, […]

Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center ( 23rd) ( 8/20 & 8/27/2023)

Reported by Adora Xiao : On Sunday, August 20: The volunteers greeted the residents, participating in a gentle sing-along. While activities weren’t planned for the day due to the hurricane, the caretakers printed copies of the daily chronicle that the volunteers read with the residents. They couldn’t go outside due to the rain, however the […]