Aylus Great Neck hosted a tutoring event on 10/04

From 4:30 to 5:30PM on 10/4/2023, Aylus Great Neck hosted a tutoring event at the Great Neck Library Station Branch for autistic children.
Lucas Liao, Andrew Qian, and Ruiqi Liu helped the student with doing addition, subtraction, and multiplication tasks. The student seemed to struggle immensely in trying to solve the arithmetic problems, and we had to help him through most of the steps of the problems. We also helped him with learning vocabulary, with a little less success. The student’s mother also helped us with getting him to focus on the task at hand.
After the hour was over, we said goodbye to the student and his mother and left by 5:30PM.

members participated: (1h): Lucas Liao, Andrew Qian, and Ruiqi Liu

Updated: October 7, 2023 — 6:26 pm

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