Chapel Hill Branch Volunteers Clean Up Dry Creek Trail on June 11, 2023

On Sunday morning, a group of volunteers from the AYLUS Chapel Hill branch came together to clean up the Dry Creek Trail. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of keeping our surroundings clean and preserving the natural beauty of our community. Plastic bottles, wrappers, and other debris were meticulously collected by our volunteers along the trail, ensuring a cleaner and safer environment for everyone who uses the trail.

After one and a half hours of hard work, two big bags of trash were collected, and we significantly improved the trail’s appearance and enhanced the overall experience. Our volunteers plan to continue organizing similar initiatives in the nearby future. By taking small steps today, we can make a lasting impact on our environment for a better tomorrow.

The volunteers who participated in this event are Luna Chen (1.5 hours), Eric Sun (1.5 hours), and Karen Lin (1.5 hours).
























































Report by Luna Chen

Updated: June 22, 2023 — 2:01 pm

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