Greater Memphis Branch Participated Several Activities in April

Greater Memphis Branch participated several events in April


Yuqi Chen and Grace Ding (5 hours/each)

They went to the botanic garden to volunteer. They were at a stand near the entrance teaching the children about what insects are, asking them educational questions like “How many legs do they have” or “Are spiders insects?” Doing this, they taught a lot of kids as well as some adults. They also passed out magnifying glasses so that they could try to find bugs around the garden. Overall this was a fun experience.

On 4/13/2024,

Grace Ding and Yuqi Chen (4.5 hours/each)

They helped the bluebird and crawfish conservation festival run the rock painting station. They showed the kids how to paint a rock while giving them lots of examples. With their helping hands, there were many kids that really enjoyed the festival. After all the volunteering, at the end, They excited to go again next year to help!

Date: 4/20/24
Evan Shi, Alex Shi:(4 hours/each)
Volunteers Evan Shi and Alex Shi helped transcribe online documents for the National Archives Library. These included adding relevant tags to the documents and transcribing ones that were hard to read.
Date: 4/27/24
Time: (3 hours/each)
Evan Shi and Alex Shi helped the National Archives by transcribing documents and adding tags, making them more accessible and easier to read.

Date: 4/28/24

Time: 3 hours

Volunteer: Alex Shi

Alex Shi helped the National Archives by transcribing 10 documents, making them more accessible and easier to read.
Volunteers: Harrison Xiao, Yuqi Chen, Charlotte Cheng, Daniel Wang, Oswald Chen, Osborn Chen, Alan Chen, Amy Wei, Helen Wei, Zoe Chen, Alex Shi, Evan Shi, Xiang Li (2 hours/each)
They picked trash at Cameron Brown Park walking around on the trails to clean up the environment. Volunteers were able to remove plastic water, bottles, plastic labels, plastic caps, glass, alcoholic bottles, masks, gloves, and other small, miscellaneous items. They hope to continue making a positive impact on the community’s parks, as well as the environment.
Volunteers: Alex Shi, Evan Shi, Charlotte Cheng, Owen Feng and Ginny Feng (2 hours/each)
They helped clean up Cameron Brown Park. They walked around the park grounds searching for litter to pick up, removing a variety of garbage including plastic wrappers, bottle caps, soda cans, and plastic labels. They were able to contribute greatly to the park’s continued beauty and sustainability, as well as the environment as a whole.
7/12/2023  (2 hours/each)
Yuqi Chen and Grace Ding

To prepare for Book drive to Africa, they worked together to make colorful and meaningful posters for the event. They wrote messages about what book to drive to Africa needed and how to support to achieve this goal. After a long time of drawing and writing, They had poster prepared to use during this event.

Volunteers: Evan Shi, Alex Shi
Time: 6:30-10:00 (3.5 hours/each)
Evan Shi and Alex Shi helped the National Archives Librairy transcribe documents online. By adding transcriptions, they made documents easier to read and show up more often on search results.
Volunteer: Xiang Li (4.5hrs)
Online volunteering is a grate  way of volunteer, they could help you get some online working experiences, and you don’t need to drive around in the town to do volunteers, you also gets volunteer hours, and “National Archives” was an online website where you could get volunteer hours at, for example, I did some tagging, and transcriptions on there, you could pick the ones you want to transcript or tag, I have tagged and transcriptd some facts about the famous NBA player Michale Jordan, and hwile you read through those documents you to tag or transcript them you could also learn lots of new things on there. I really enjoy of doing online volunteering.
Volunteer: Xing Li (5.75 hours)
Volunteering at the University of Memphis is a great opportunity gets you some reward by gain work experience and also a way to improve yourself, I went to volunteer at the University of Memphis for the mental health buildings. Putting books in a specific order, separating them in certain categories, helping them to clean some cabinets, putting different stuffs in the place they need to be, and put boxes to cupboards. All these things are something you do in common, such as cleaning trash, putting things up, cleaning rooms or cabinets, and they could also be helpful for college in the futures.
Updated: May 1, 2024 — 4:28 am

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