Dix Hills Branch works with the HHH Library for Homework Help and library assistance on June 3, 2023.

Written By: Ru Xue Jiang

The AYLUS Dix Hills Branch works with the HHH Library for Homework Help and library assistance on June 3, 2023.

The dedicated group of volunteers arrived at the library with the intention of providing tutoring assistance to elementary school kids. However, as the school year drew to a close, the number of children seeking help decreased significantly, and no one showed up for tutoring. Undeterred by this unexpected turn of events, the volunteers proactively approached the librarians to inquire about additional tasks they could undertake to support the library. Recognizing the importance of their presence, they eagerly took on the responsibility of revitalizing the children’s toy section, organizing books, and ensuring that the library’s collection was appropriately categorized into sections for children, teens, and adults.

The efforts of the volunteers in transforming their intended tutoring session into a library support initiative were crucial and necessary. With fewer children requiring tutoring near the end of the school year, it was imperative to find alternative ways to utilize their skills and time effectively. By offering their assistance in cleaning up the children’s toy section, organizing books, and categorizing them appropriately, the volunteers not only filled a crucial gap but also relieved the librarians of additional tasks, enabling them to focus on other essential duties. The volunteers’ flexibility and willingness to adapt to the changing circumstances showcased their commitment to serving the community and making a positive impact.

The actions taken by the volunteers at the library had a profound positive impact on the community. By revamping the children’s toy section, the volunteers created a welcoming and enjoyable space for young library visitors. Organizing and categorizing the books into distinct sections ensured that library patrons could easily locate materials that suited their needs, enhancing the overall experience for children, teens, and adults alike. Moreover, the volunteers’ initiative and dedication demonstrated the community’s strong spirit of collaboration and support. Through their selfless actions, they fostered an environment that values education, literacy, and community engagement, leaving a lasting and beneficial impact on the community as a whole.
Volunteers: Ru Xue Jiang (1.5 hours) and Sara Kong 1 hour).

Updated: December 31, 2023 — 3:14 am

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