AYLUS Syosset Aids in Planting Flowers with Duke Sunrise Planting Day at Sunrise Day Camp, 5/13/23

Members of AYLUS Syosset participated in planting brightly colored flowers at Sunrise Day Camp, Long Island with the Duke student-parent volunteer event. As members of Syosset AYLUS have both interests in environmental protection and have siblings who attend Duke University, everybody was keen on participating in an event that incorporated both. Sunrise Day Camp is a non profit organization that provides day care centers and camps for children with cancer and their siblings. The Sunrise Association is affiliated with medical centers and hospitals and provides outdoor activities for children all year round. 

Members were given flowers to plant in designated flower beds and other areas that were lacking in color and interest. These flowers included yellow and orange marigolds, daylilies, pansies and more.

Members participated: Alyssa Huang (1.5 h), Jessica Albrecht (1.5 h), Guangli Yang-Advisor (1.5 h).

Updated: May 23, 2023 — 12:30 pm

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