AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteered at Nissequogue greenhouse on 05/13

On Saturday from 9:30-12:00 am, volunteers from the Great Neck and Roslyn Branches came together to help out at the Nissequogue greenhouse. The main task of the day was to clean out all the roots and rocks on the ground, followed by the installation of landscape fabric using staples. The purpose of the fabric was to prevent weeds from growing in the area, allowing the owner to eventually cultivate a variety of plants in containers.

Although the initial task of removing the roots and rocks seemed simple enough, it quickly became apparent that it was a challenging task. Many of the roots were deeply embedded in the ground, making it difficult to remove them. Moreover, the sandy soil caused a lot of dust to be stirred up, which could easily get into the volunteers’ eyes. Despite these challenges, the volunteers persevered and were able to complete the task.

The next challenge was the installation of the landscape fabric. This involved using a significant amount of hand strength to drive the staples in vertically. The volunteers had to be very careful to ensure that the staples were not crooked, as this would compromise the effectiveness of the fabric.

Ultimately, the volunteers’ efforts were aimed at creating a better environment for all. By preventing the growth of weeds and enabling the cultivation of plants, we hoped to make the greenhouse a more pleasant and productive space. Through our hard work and dedication, we demonstrated our commitment to community service and making a positive impact in their local area.


Members who participated(2.5hrs): Fanxi Xia, Joyce Zhang, Wenda Dong

Updated: May 15, 2023 — 12:57 am

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