AYLUS Greater Triangle04/23/2023Volunteers Clean Up Cary Town on World Earth Day”(2))

On April 23, 2023, people around the world celebrated World Earth Day by taking action to clean up their communities and protect the environment. In the Greater Triangle area, a group of dedicated volunteers came together to clean up Cary Town, designated as a cleaning area for Aylus.

The group, consisting of members from a local branch, adopted a spot through the Town of Cary on Highcroft Drive street side trail that goes from McCrimmon Parkway to Nancy Branch. The members met up at the Whole Foods parking lot near the Lafham Bakery side, and supplies were provided. Volunteers were also encouraged to bring their own trash bags, gloves, and other materials to assist with the cleanup.

The members were enthusiastic and dedicated to their task, cleaning up the garbage in the area with great care and attention to detail. They were determined to leave no stone unturned and picked up every discarded lunch box, water bottle, and other litter hidden in the bushes. This area is a busy junction of the school, residential, and commercial areas, and the volunteers worked tirelessly to clean up a total of 10 bags of garbage.

By participating in this cleanup event, the volunteers demonstrated their commitment to protecting the environment and preserving the beauty of their community. They set a great example for others to follow and made a significant contribution to the global effort to protect the planet on World Earth Day. Let’s hope that their efforts inspire others to take action to protect the environment in their own communities, and that we can all work together to create a cleaner and more sustainable future.





The group, consisting of members from a local branch, adopted a spot through the Town of Cary on Highcroft Drive street side trail that goes from McCrimmon Parkway to Nancy Branch. The members met up at the Whole Foods parking lot near the Lafham Bakery side, and supplies were provided. Volunteers were also encouraged to bring their own trash bags, gloves, and other materials to assist with the cleanup.

The members were enthusiastic and dedicated to their task, cleaning up the garbage in the area with great care and attention to detail. They were determined to leave no stone unturned and picked up every discarded lunch box, water bottle, and other litter hidden in the bushes. This area is a busy junction of the school, residential, and commercial areas, and the volunteers worked tirelessly to clean up a total of 10 bags of garbage.

By participating in this cleanup event, the volunteers demonstrated their commitment to protecting the environment and preserving the beauty of their community. They set a great example for others to follow and made a significant contribution to the global effort to protect the planet on World Earth Day. Let’s hope that their efforts inspire others to take action to protect the environment in their own communities, and that we can all work together to create a cleaner and more sustainable future.

1. Yuanduo Li. 4 hours
2. Chenkai Gu 2hours
3. Emily Wang 2hours
4. Yuyang Luo 2hours
5. Alex Zhang 2hours
6. Qinglin Yuan 2hours
7. Janet Yuan 2hours
8. Boxuan Fan. 2hours
9. Shunyu Yao 2hours


jianhui jia


Updated: April 24, 2023 — 7:53 pm

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