AYLUS Oyster Bay’s Conservation Efforts at Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary on April 22, 2023

Written by Christina Mink

On April 22, 2023, AYLUS Oyster Bay embarked on a transformative journey of environmental stewardship as they volunteered with the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center to support the thriving of plants within the sanctuary.

The Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary hosted a series of inspiring events, which included bird watching and gardening work. AYLUS members eagerly participated in the bird watch event, guided by an expert who led them through the serene woods. As they traversed the path, they listened intently to various bird chirps and occasionally spotted birds, skillfully identifying different species present in the area. Through their combined efforts, a total of eight diverse bird species were identified, including the American Crow, Northern Cardinal, Blue Jay, Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Robin, and the Downy Woodpecker.

After the enriching bird watching experience, AYLUS members enthusiastically joined the gardening event, recognizing the critical importance of preserving native plant ecosystems. Invasive species, like wild onion plants, often pose a significant threat to the balance of natural habitats, hindering the growth and prosperity of other plants and organisms. To ensure the sanctuary’s entire ecosystem thrives harmoniously, it is vital to combat the spread of invasive plants swiftly.

With a shared vision of preserving the sanctuary’s biodiversity, AYLUS members took to the task of removing invasive onion plants with great determination. This act not only contributed to the health of the native plant community but also upheld the delicate balance that sustains the entire ecosystem. By clearing the ground of invasive plants, the volunteers fostered an environment where native species can flourish, providing essential support to animals that rely on them for food and shelter.

As an additional measure to support the growth of native plants and enhance the visual appeal of the area, AYLUS members generously covered the ground with mulch. This thoughtful action acts as a protective barrier against the regrowth of invasive plants, ensuring the sanctuary’s long-term vitality.

Throughout this enlightening experience, AYLUS volunteers not only acquired valuable knowledge about the significance of maintaining a healthy ecosystem but also took tangible steps to help nature thrive at the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center. Their unwavering commitment to conservation and environmental preservation shines as an inspiration to others, encouraging a deeper connection with the natural world and a sense of responsibility to safeguard its beauty for future generations. Through their dedicated efforts, AYLUS Oyster Bay exemplifies the transformative impact of community-led initiatives in nurturing nature and fostering a harmonious coexistence with the environment.

Gratitude to the following 13 young volunteers, totaling 29.5 volunteer hours collectively. 

Christina Mink (3.5hrs) , Tyler Wasserman (3hrs),  Luca Williams (3hrs), William Siegal (3hrs), Belle Zilin Zhang (3hrs),  Zilhan Zhang (3 hrs) , Jai Gupta (2hrs),  Johnny Chen (1.5 hrs),  Helen Chen (1.5hrs) , Sebastian Tate (1hr) , Aidan Kiy (1hr),  Alex Simms (1hr),  Ariel Dai (3hrs) ,


Updated: November 28, 2023 — 11:43 pm

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