Riverside County AYLUS Members Create Dog Toys for the local Animal Shelter in March, 2023 (1st)

During the month of March, several of our RCA members decided to continue supporting our local animal shelter. After a brainstorming session, the group decided to create dog chewing toys by recycling old t-shirts. The group researched different ways as to how to create them. The shirts were prepared, cut into strips and then braided. Two different styles were created. The group has continued to support the local animal shelter with handmade blankets and food donations. This time the group wanted to help with handmade toys to help keep the animals entertained and active. Oftentimes these animals stay in the shelter for days if not weeks and months with little to no entertainment. This has a negative impact on the animals.
The group hopes that the toys will help to alleviate the loneliness and the boredom that these animals are experiencing. Some members will continue to work on this project in the following month.

Preparation and creation of dog toys

03/22/23 (1 hr) 03/25/23 (2 hr), 03/26/23 (1 hr) Nicholas Navarro (4 hrs total)
03/24/23 (1 hr) and 03/25/23 (2 hr) Kayla Paulsen, Alyssa Paulsen (3 hrs each)
03/29/23 Michael Brown (1 hr)
03/31/23 Michael Brown (1.5 hrs)



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