Roslyn Assisted in New York State Park Cleanup (10th) on February 18, 2023

On the Saturday of February 18th 2023 from 9:30-12:30, the Roslyn Branch volunteered at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum.

We worked to pull out the Japanese knotweed and Yellow Flag iris, both being non-native invasive species of plant and are known to over grow the plants in the area. The Japanese Knotweed was dead, we still needed to remove them because despite being, dead because they persistently grow back come spring. Though being abundant in numbers, we eventually managed to finish our job while ignoring the slight chill in the air.

We also have to remove the GreenBrier. While the greenbrier is a native plant we still have to remove it because this plant has little to no use to the environment and is over growing the other plants in the area, some of which can grow even on trees and wrapped around its branches! These are one of the hardest plants we had to remove due to the fact that they are covered in thorns which can cut people’s hand if you’re not careful with removing it. Finally we have to remove a bunch of dead wood due to the amount of space they take up. They were honestly one of the easier parts of the whole job.

Even though the area was cold and we had to move and remove many plants, some of which were harder to remove to their attributes, we completed the task.

Members that participated includes:
Zihan Wang (3 hours), Tiffany Lin (3 hours), and Ethan Lin (3 hours).

Updated: February 20, 2023 — 3:43 pm

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