AYLUS Syosset Volunteers at Bethpage State Park Restoring Bethpage School’s Garden, 11/19/2022

Members of AYLUS Syosset and Great Neck participated in an event taking place on Bethpage school ground in an area that is being organized into a small garden. The objective is to create a welcoming garden that can serve as an educational opportunity for the children in Bethpage. We made a dirt walkway that bordered the area by using long tree branches as the perimeter of the garden beds. Everyone worked together to shovel in the large piles of mulch into the wheelbarrows that were transported to the walkway. Volunteers helped to smooth out the path and by the end of the event the entire walkway and ground was covered in a layer of mulch. In the future we hope to see the garden built and be used to teach kids about the native and nonnative plants of New York.

Members who participated include: 

Rachel Zhang (2.5 hours) and Alyssa Huang (3 hours).

Updated: March 5, 2023 — 7:47 pm

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