AYLUS Greater Temecula Valley Lends a Hand to Local Farm (20th) in August 2022

On August 13th, 2022, Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS (GTVA) President Ally Negulescu (3 hours) volunteered at her local farm to help harvest, taste, and sort produce. It was good produce. And did I mention that all of the produce grown from this project is donated directly to the Temecula Community Mission of Hope for distribution to other local food pantries in our region and Fallbrook! 

Today, Ally decided to solo run the farm in the morning. With a high ponytail and a super cool hat given to her by her friend, she set off to work right away. After signing in, she set off straight away to help in the watermelon field. It was actually a pretty boring day, since she spent her entire time at the farm there. There was an entire team/assembly line; one of the workers there pointed out ripe watermelons, one person would pick it, and that person would start passing down the watermelon down the long line of people waiting by the tractor. On top of that, workers started piling watermelons on opposing sides of the field to gather together for packing. Even though there were some sweat and tears in the middle, nothing can ever stop the grind, not even ignorance.

The farm day ended once again with dirty hands and the dizzy sensation of hard work. Even though today was a solo run, there was still work done and satisfaction all around!

Updated: August 17, 2022 — 3:32 am

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