AYLUS Syosset Offers A Japanese Language and Culture Tutoring Class (8/11/21, #4)

On 8/11/2021, members of the Syosset AYLUS branch (Aika Suizu and John Thach) taught a sixty-minute Japanese class to multiple high school students, each with differing degrees of proficiency and familiarity with the Japanese language and culture. The establishment of this class seeks to permeate the interest and knowledge in Japanese culture and language throughout society.

Class started with an introduction to new vocabulary. First, vocabulary centered around popular Japanese dishes was introduced. The class had conversations about popular Japanese dishes such as Teriyaki and Udon. These vocabulary terms were comprehended in Hiragana. Fruit and Olympic-themed vocabulary was also introduced, incorporating mostly katakana and kanji.   Students repeated vocabulary and used them in sentences for comprehension. 

Along with new vocabulary words, students familiarized themselves with various cultural aspects of Japanese clothing and food.

Teachers then reviewed numbers in Japanese and common rules along with it. Students applied these rules to pronounce larger numbers. 

Lastly, counters were introduced and categorized based on their use. Teachers gave an overview of each commonly used counter as well as pronunciation and reading rules. Students could briefly comprehend various different kinds of counters with numbers.

The following students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: Aika Suizu (1.5 hour), and John Thach (1.5 hour).

Updated: August 11, 2021 — 4:25 pm

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