Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Presents its Project to the Temecula Mayor and The Rotary Club of Temecula Sunrise in June 2021

On June 8th, 2021, GTVA members presented and discussed an upcoming project with the Temecula Sunrise Rotary Club at its monthly meeting!

GTVA leaders and members, Ally Negulescu (2.5hrs), Skylar Alksnis (2hrs), Adora Xiao(2.5hrs),  Julie Lu (2hrs), Zaiba Choudhury (2hrs), Kaitlyn Hetsko (2hrs), Kai Atanassov (2hrs), Jessica Lu (2hrs), and Tonya Liu (2hrs) were invited by the International Service Chair of the Temecula Sunrise Rotary Club, Jimmy Hsieh, to propose and pitch in some ideas that may be beneficial to our community. The meeting was held at Journey’s End Restaurant in the Pechanga Resort at 7:30am. It was scheduled to have our Temecula Mayor Maryann Edwards as a guest speaker, however, due to a personal emergency she was unable to attend. Instead, the Assistant to the City Manager, Betsy Lowrey, participated at the meeting on her behalf.

The Temecula Sunrise Rotary Club’s meeting covered their recent accomplishments, presented their future agenda including ways to improve the Temecula Valley area and image. Later, GTVA President Ally Negulescu presented the idea of using music/songwriting as a peaceful way to address the racial conflicts going on in today’s society. GTVA invites and welcomes everyone including our talented Temecula Mayor and the president of the Temecula Sunrise Rotary Club to participate and to sing along with us. GTVA was honored to be part of this positive and supportive gathering, being able to express and voice ourselves as young adults and share our ideas to give back to our communities.

We all are looking forward to cooking this artistic event in a month along with our other exciting summer programs coming up!

Updated: June 8, 2021 — 10:51 pm

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