Twin Cities Branch: Performing for Seniors at Plymouth Towne Square for the Holidays (12/17/23)

On a Sunday afternoon, over 18 AYLUS members came to this event, where we started off with individual and group music performances, had a snack and socializing break, then moved onto a whole group sing-along. Finally, we ended with the senior Chinese choir group performing some delightful songs.
This event is an annual Christmas event that AYLUS does every year, and it was great to see so many new members joining, as well as member’s friends that have expressed interest in the organization!
Volunteers (that signed up): Isabel Chen, Lucy Chen, Lucy Zhang, Hannabella Li, Zachary Li, Kynston Li, Nicole Kim, Olivia Peng, Myah Hoeschen, Kai Huang, Katie Huang, Ellen Yuan, Megan Wang, Curtis Ying, Aidan Zhang, Alvin Liu, Allex Tran, kaining zhang,
Total Volunteer Hours: 2 Hours
Event Organizer: Isabel Chen