Alzheimer’s Awareness

Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Be a part of the fight against this dreadful disease!


These are all the local walks near you!
Number of Local Walks Near You

Image Courtesy of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Association


When: September 14th to October 13th 2019

Who: Everyone interested in helping people with Alzheimer’s

What: Alzheimer’s is currently an incurable disease, but with more research, a cure will hopefully be found. This disease causes memory loss and confusion, affecting one’s ability to think straight.

How: It’s as easy as signing up for a walk in the allotted time near your home and forming a team with your branch. Another option is to sign up as a volunteer at your local walk, whether that be handing out drinks or cleaning up afterwards.

Coordinators: The AYLUS National Board

Contact: for any questions