AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch Volunteers at TOYOTA ARENA on 01/09/2024

AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch Volunteers at TOYOTA ARENA on 01/09/2024

On January 9, 2024, three volunteers from AYLUS RC BRANCH participated in the third fundraising event for the Building Bright Futures children’s program. Joining them were three new members, attending this event for the first time. This event is part of a series held at our local TOYOTA ARENA during the Empire Stryker’s Ball Toss event season. During each game, we set up soccer-themed gaming and ball-selling booths at the entrance to raise funds for children in need, with all proceeds dedicated to promoting their academic and personal success.


The volunteers were divided into two groups for the day’s activities. One group coordinated the soccer-themed gaming booth, managing ticket sales and ball retrieval. As many families attended the games with their children, this activity was highly popular among attendees. The other group managed the ball-selling activity, where we pre-packaged bags of balls with varying quantities and prices. Balls were sold for $5, $10, and $15, catering to different preferences and budgets. Both activities were well-received, and before we knew it, four hours had flown by. We managed to raise over $200 through our efforts, and the success of our fundraising endeavors was truly exhilarating. It’s empowering to know that we can make a difference in the lives of children in need using our own abilities!


It was heartening to see new members enthusiastically joining our cause, demonstrating their commitment to helping others and making a positive impact in the community. The spirit of camaraderie and dedication among all volunteers was palpable, underscoring our collective mission to support and uplift those in need. As we reflect on the success of this event, we look forward to future opportunities to continue our philanthropic efforts and contribute to the betterment of society.


The volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to this cause were Jingning Wu; Ryan Wang; Bryan Wang. Each volunteer contributed 4 hours.


Updated: April 27, 2024 — 1:23 am

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