AYLUS Roslyn Maintain Rewild Garden (1st) on April 13, 2024

On Saturday of 4/13/24 from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM, the Roslyn branch helped maintain the gardens and compost at Rewild garden in Port Washington.
On this day we worked with the people at ReWild and help them in their mission to fight climate change and loss of biodiversity, starting in our communities in Long Island through sustainable landscaping.
Our job as volunteers included weeding the garden, helping with the compost, and laying the correct groundwork in anticipation of the land being used to grow plants. Once we were shown the correct technique of weeding– removing the plant entirely from the root and where to dispose of it, we set off with our shovels. Together we were able to clear the entire left wing of unwanted plants that were then handled by the compost team in just 2 hours. The compost team took the barrels of weeds to add to the compost that could be used to naturally fertilize the garden space when the time comes to grow plants in the spring. Of course, there was another team working the cleared areas to prepare it for seeds to be planted soon in the new season. One of the challenges that we came across was being thorough with the weeding as it had proliferated throughout the whole space, but luckily with our team effort we eliminated the majority of unwanted plants. After we were done with our tasks we met with other volunteers in a circle to commemorate our progress made as a team. It was a really wholesome moment that really felt like a community of people with the same goals worked together to accomplish something big.
Members that participated include:
Natalie Tsui (2 hours), Jolina Wu (2 hours), Lily Zhang (2 hours), Zihan Wang (2 hours), Maxim Li (2 hours), and Chloe Wu (2 hours).
Reporter: Chloe Wu
Updated: April 26, 2024 — 3:31 pm

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