AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch Volunteers at ALFC Generosity Center on 04/27/2024

AYLUS Rancho Cucamonga Branch Volunteers at ALFC Generosity Center on 04/27/2024


On April 27, 2024, 15 members of the Aylus RC Branch participated in the monthly food distribution event. This year, the Los Angeles area experienced frequent rainfall and overcast skies, but fortunately, this Saturday, the renowned Southern California sun made a welcome appearance, bringing warmth and cheer to our endeavor. With only one distribution event scheduled for April, the response from our members was particularly enthusiastic, and we were delighted to welcome many new faces on the day.


New members were given an orientation on the food distribution process and guidelines before being swiftly assigned to various food stations. The array of food available was truly diverse, ranging from vegetables, fruits, beverages, and cakes to meats, fish, nuts, beans, eggs, milk, and chips. The abundance and freshness of the food ensured a steady stream of community members in need, many of whom arrived by car to collect their provisions.


While the volunteer work may seem straightforward, it is indeed labor-intensive. Volunteers were required to arrive at the event site by 8:00 a.m., unpack and arrange the food trays, and then spend over five hours on their feet distributing food without breaks due to the continuous flow of vehicles. It was a test of everyone’s physical endurance. However, witnessing the smiles on the faces of each family served filled us with pride and joy. We hope that the food distributed not only nourishes their bodies but also warms their hearts.


The list of individuals who participated in today’s volunteer event is as follows:

Yongxi Hu; Zichen Zhu; Ziyu Zhu;  Zhuoer Wang; Shuyu Yan; Herong  Xu; Waiki Hou; Xinnuo Huang; Jiapeng Ni; Jiaman Ni; Bryan Wang; Ryan Wang; Xinxin Wang; Yixuan Yuan;


Each person contributed five hours of their time to this noble cause. We look forward to continuing our efforts to serve the community in the future, spreading warmth, kindness, and sustenance to those in need.


Updated: April 30, 2024 — 12:48 am

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