Pearland Branch Prepares Social Media and Sales Resources for Upcoming New Years Gala on December 29th, 2023

AYLUS Pearland recently organized a collaborative Media Team Working session and Sales preparation event in anticipation of the upcoming Lunar New Year gala scheduled in February. The Media Team focused on essential tasks such as flyer design and social media management. Members of the team crafted visually appealing and informative flyers, ensuring that the promotional materials effectively conveyed the essence of the Lunar New Year celebration and the products to be featured at the gala.  

Simultaneously, the Sales team dedicated their efforts to preparing materials and generating innovative ideas to enhance the sales experience at the Lunar New Year gala. The team’s primary focus was on popular items such as panda and dragon toys, aligning with the festive spirit of the occasion. The sales preparation involved strategizing on presentation techniques, pricing, and engaging promotional methods to attract attendees to the AYLUS Pearland booth and close sales.  

Overall, this collaborative working session not only fostered teamwork but also allowed for cross-functional communication between the Media and Sales teams to hopefully achieve success in promoting and selling products during the Lunar New Year gala. 


William Sun (3.5 hours), Alexander Sun (3.5 hours), Wendy Yin (3.5 hours), Caroline Fu (2 hours), Anne Wong (1 hour), Christy Zheng (2 hours), Boyu Wu (1 hour), Lydia Hea (2 hours), Ivan Wei (2 hours), Benjamin Wang (1 hour), Yushan Qiu (1 hour), Yurong Qiu (1 hour), Bruce Zhang (1 hour), Yanqing Qu (1 hour), Yanbin Qu (1 hour), Alex Song (1 hour), Ethan Liao (1 hour). 




Updated: December 31, 2023 — 4:26 pm

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