AYLUS Great Neck Branch Tutoring Week 11(12/27/2023-12/31/2023)

From 12/27/2023 to 12/31/2023, Aylus Great Neck hosted five daily hour-long tutoring sessions to help an eager student develop conversational skills and improve their English.


On 12/27/2023, Aylus Great Neck started a few daily tutoring sessions for a student during the winter break. We met each other at the Great Neck Library Station Branch at 4:30PM.

Our two volunteers, Ruiqi Liu and Kevin Zhang worked with him to let him practice his conversational English skills. For this first session, we simply chatted with him and got to know him.

After about an hour, we said our goodbyes and left.


On 12/28/2023, Aylus Great Neck hosted its second daily tutoring session for the student. We met at the Great Neck Library Station Branch at 10:00AM.

Our two volunteers, Ruiqi Liu and Kevin Zhang continued to work with the student on his English skills. We continued to chat with him about a variety of topics, and we tried to be more mindful about the speed of our speech and about whether he could fully understand us.

After about an hour, we said our goodbyes and left.

On 12/29/2023, Aylus Great Neck hosted its third daily tutoring session for the student. We met again at the Great Neck Station Library Branch at 1:00PM.This time, we brought Scrabble to play with the student to improve his vocabulary, and we also borrowed Candy Land from the library. We first started with a few short games of Candy Land, and then our two volunteers Ruiqi Liu and Kevin Zhang played a game with the student and his aunt using a dictionary to determine if words actually existed and to determine their meanings.

The game lasted about an hour, and afterwards we said our goodbyes and left.


On 12/30/2023, Aylus Great Neck hosted its fourth daily tutoring session for the student. We met at the Great Neck Station Library Branch at 10:00AM.

Our student brought their copy of Scrabble this time, and our volunteers Ruiqi Liu and Kevin Zhang played on his set. The game went as usual – we played many different words, and used the help of a dictionary to determine their meanings and expand the vocabulary of the student.

Again, the game lasted for about an hour, and we said our goodbyes afterwards and left.


On 12/31/2023, Aylus Great Neck hosted its final daily tutoring session for the student. Since the library was closed, we met in the apartment complex of one of our volunteers at 10:00AM.

Again, we played on the student’s copy of Scrabble, and our volunteers Ruiqi Liu and Kevin Zhang continued to help expand the student’s vocabulary. We used many words, some obscure and some more common, and we used a dictionary to determine if some existed and to find the meanings of others.

Our last game of Scrabble lasted for about an hour, and we said our final goodbyes then.

Ruiqi Liu – 5.5 hours

Kevin Zhang – 5.5 hours

Updated: December 31, 2023 — 5:18 pm

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