East Cobb Branch Hosted “High School Chat Seminar” for the Community on June 10, 2023

    On June 10, 2023, AYLUS East Cobb Branch organized an online seminar titled “East Cobb High School Chat.” The seminar aimed to facilitate an insightful discussion among high school students, middle school students and parents regarding the significant experiences and opportunities in various high school programs within the East Cobb region. The event featured distinguished speakers representing five different high schools, each offering unique perspectives and insights into their respective educational journeys.


  1. Jack Xu: Jack, a notable high school student honored as the 2023 US President Scholar and STAR student, shared his valuable insights and experiences. Jack’s forthcoming enrollment at Princeton University this fall added credibility to his advice and resonated with aspiring students.
  2. Isabel Liu : Isabel provided an overview of her experiences within the Wheeler Magnet Program, offering valuable insights into the program’s structure, challenges, and benefits. Her firsthand account provided attendees with a deeper understanding of magnet programs’ dynamics.
  3. Kaila Li: Kaila shared intriguing facts about the Campbell IB Program, shedding light on its distinctive features and academic rigor. Her presentation served to enlighten participants about the International Baccalaureate curriculum and its potential impact on students’ academic journeys.
  4. Jerry Xu: Jerry shared his experiences within the Walton STEM and Latin programs, offering a comprehensive perspective on the integration of STEM education with classical studies. His insights highlighted the multidimensional approach to education prevalent in the East Cobb region.
  5. Sean Yan : Sean shared insights into Pope High School’s STEM academy, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding of its curriculum and opportunities. His firsthand experiences highlighted the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in high school education, enriching the seminar with diverse perspectives.

In addition to sharing their academic experiences, the speakers also discussed their volunteer involvements with the AYLUS East Cobb Branch, emphasizing the importance of community engagement and giving back. This segment resonated with participants and underscored the significance of extracurricular activities in shaping well-rounded individuals.

    The seminar attracted a diverse audience, with over 40 participants joining the session online. The robust turnout demonstrated the community’s interest and eagerness to explore educational opportunities and engage with experienced peers. The interactive discussions and personal anecdotes shared by the speakers inspired and motivated participants, leading to increased interest in joining the AYLUS community. AYLUS East Cobb Branch remains committed to fostering academic excellence, community engagement, and personal growth among students in the local community.

Reported by Jerry Xu


Jack Xu 3 hours, Isabel Liu 3 hours, Kaila Li 3 hours, Jerry Xu 3 hours, Sean Yan 3 hours


Updated: April 25, 2024 — 5:39 pm

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