Sugar Land Branch Continues Stay Fit At Home (#109)

On July 24, the Sugar Land Branch continued the 2022 summer Stay Fit At Home Exercise Sessions. Instructors began with a slow stretch with side stretches, lounges, toe reaches, V-sits. Next, we did 8 jumping jacks for each side of the room (turning 90 degrees for each set). Then, we did high knees for 2 8-counts. There was a 45 second rest, then the set was repeated. Next, we did a lengthy ab set consisting of 8 crunches for each ab position (normal, table-top, straight leg, back to table-top, normal, and on each side), for a total of 56 crunches per set. The set was repeated 2 more times. Participants were taught how to do a seal stretch to stretch out their muscles. Finally, we did arm circles variations including small arm circles forward, small arm circles backwards, big arm circles forward, and big arm circles backwards. Following arm circles, we did arm pulses for a minute. The session lasted for 40 minutes. AYLUS participants were Isabella Wu and Nicole Wu.


Written by Nicole Wu.


Updated: August 4, 2022 — 12:30 am

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