Fairfax Branch – Riverbend Park Invasive Plant Removal Work

On August 7th, 2021, members of the Fairfax Branch of AYLUS volunteered at Riverbend Park to help the park management to remove invasive plants.

The Potamic River cut through this park, which offers a variety of events, trails, and other activities. Invasive plants are species of plants introduced from foreign environments that negatively affect their current environment. These plants tend to have prolific seed production, rapid growth and out-compete native species. One of the most common invasive plants is the Japanese still grass. To prevent the invasive plants from damaging the environment and the surrounding ecosystem, the members weed out many invasive plants that are surrounding the indigenous plants to ensure better growth.

Thanks to all the members who participated: Mohan Liu, Steven Guo, David Cao, Natalie Jiang, Jordan Lee, Kaiden Wu, Arthur Hu.


Reported by Mohan Liu


Updated: August 20, 2021 — 3:41 pm

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