Chapel Hill Branch participated in the Earth Day/ Keep Carrboro Beautiful Volunteer Day on April 24, 2021

On April 24th, Saturday, the AYLUS Chapel Hill Branch participated in the Earth Day/Keep Carrboro Beautiful Volunteer Day cleaning event to clear up the town of Carrboro and prevent the trash from entering our local streams. The event lasted from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. Our team split up into two smaller groups so we could clean up all routes. One group went to clean Route B while another group went to clean Route A and C. After two hours of working with the aid of others in our community, we were able to collect several bags of trash and help clean our environment.

The volunteers that participated in this event were: Kevin Chen (2 hours), Luna Chen (2 hours), Richard Li (Yicheng Li) (2 hours), Paul Lindner (2 hours), and Yi Lu.

Reported by Luna Chen

Updated: May 5, 2021 — 10:28 pm

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