Category: Syosset NY Branch

AYLUS Syosset teaches basketball to elementary schoolers at A.P Willits

On 8/6/23 Members of AYLUS Syosset went to A.P Willits, to teach basketball to elementary schoolers. These elementary schoolers consisted of grades from 1st – 5th grade. During the time the volunteers thought the elementary schooler’s the basics of basketball. These basics include Dribbling, Shooting, Passing. Every student may not have progressed equally and some […]

AYLUS Syosset Sets an Opportunity of Learning For Younger Generations: Chinese Language For All, 7/17/23

On the Sunday afternoon of July 16, 2023, AYLUS Syosset participated in the formation of a small group teaching children how to improve their Chinese through speaking and writing. The program’s main focus was to spread awareness of the Chinese language as all are welcome to learn. The teachers, or the volunteers, wrote out and […]

AYLUS Syosset NY Branch started a tutoring program of English (8/17/2020)

On 8/17/2020, five members of the Syosset AYLUS (Alan Huang, Jasmine Chen, Leo Cheng, John Trach and Ryan Leung) team-taught an one-hour introductory class in the subject of English to 6 newly immigrated highschool students with varying degrees of proficiency in English.  Today, we started our English course content which consisted of 3 parts, reading, […]