AYLUS Syosset branch on 10/14/2023 volunteered in a charity sale that is located in Eisenhower park field. Members of AYLUS Syosset branch bought bracelets that they made by themselves and also brought balloons and they twist them to create different looking animals for sale. Others brought mouse pads and toys to sell and raise money for charity. Due to the poor weather, it was raining the whole day so rarely and customers came and bought our products which made the little kids a bit upset after spending all their time making them. This was an amazing experience for the children to learn how to sell products also raise love and support for charity.
People who participated : Suiwai Li (3 hours) Xuanyu Liu(3 hour) Olivia Xu(3 hours) Austin Xu ( 3 hours) Sarah Chen ( 3 hours),Alexander Lin (3h).