AYLUS Syosset Assists in Clearing Tourist Pathways in the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center, 8/11/23

On the Friday morning of 8/11/23, members AYLUS Syosset offered help at the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center in clearing away unwanted plants located in the walkways in the garden. Along the road next to the unlit campfire spot, many plants such as weeds and grasses pervaded the tourism paths, sprouting above the wood chips. Therefore, to control the plants’ population and provide a cleaner look to the area as well, the volunteers assisted in removing the plants from the ground. Ultimately, the path became more distinguishable from the neighboring garden species beside it. In addition, due to the post-pluvial climate in the environment, many worms were visible as well. Among them were invasive Asian jumping worms and earthworms. Because the invasive worms are detrimental to the ecosystem of the native species, isolation along with extermination was necessary while the native earthworms were kept unbothered.

Volunteers: (categorized by hour lengths)

3 hours (3h): Thea Chen, Yiru Zhang, Nichole Huang, Isabella Huang, Sonia Huang

2 hours (2h): Wanyang Ji, Leon Ji, Rowen Zhu, Tyler Zhu

Updated: August 12, 2023 — 12:52 am

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