AYLUS Syosset Resumes Violin Tutoring for Children, 8/11/23

On August 11th, 2023, members of the Syosset branch of AYLUS participated in teaching children how to play the violin. The volunteers taught children how to read notes on the staff as well as the basics scales correlating to the notes. Posture was also taught to individual students who need extra improvement. Since there are three teachers, the four students were split up and grouped with each teacher by their level and what they need to learn. Suzuki books were used to teach the advanced groups and posture was taught to the lower-leveled students. Basic treble clef note knowledge was taught to everyone at the end.

Suiwai Li (1.5 hours), Suiying Li (1.5 hours), Xihan Zhang (1.5 hours)

Updated: August 15, 2023 — 1:13 am

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